Irena Kadlecová

  1. Number: 001847
  2. Osa: KK SIMIRE
  3. Ka member: Yes
  4. Club digest: Yes
  5. Member since: 2013-01-18
  6. Member until: 2025-12-31
  7. Sex: female


  1. 021308 (L), Alex Redy Od Diamantové řeky

  2. 051111 (L), By the Request Diandra

  3. 002412 (L), Granada Chocolate Frances

  4. 005819 (I), Desiderata Wäka

  5. 064421 (L), Feeling Happy Diandra

  6. 064521 (L), Beneficium Wäka



  1. Čerčany - Kvalifikační závod na World Agility Open (WAO) 2025, 2025-01-17 - 2025-01-19

  2. Agility II 500, Desiderata Wäka: 12/33, with 45.13 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.14

  3. Agility I 500, Desiderata Wäka: 5/34, with 42.0 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.6

  4. Jumping III 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  5. Jumping II 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  6. Jumping I 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  7. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 3 "Czech Imp" - 12.ročník, 2025-01-04

  8. Czech Imp Jump I, Desiderata Wäka: 1/26, with 18.94 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.91

  9. Jumping 1 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  10. Jumping 2 I, Desiderata Wäka: 11/26, with 31.65 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.12

  11. Ratenice - 2x zkoušky, 2024-12-28 - 2024-12-29

  12. 1. Zkouška A3 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  13. 2. Zkouška A3 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  14. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 2 "Czech Imp" - 12.ročník, 2024-12-14

  15. Czech Imp Jump I, Desiderata Wäka: 12/25, with 19.41 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.67

  16. Jumping 1 I, Desiderata Wäka: 4/25, with 34.08 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 6.1

  17. Jumping 2 I, Desiderata Wäka: 3/25, with 32.17 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 6.15

  18. Mohelnice - Mistrovství České republiky 2024, 2024-09-07 - 2024-09-08

  19. Agility družstev I, Desiderata Wäka: 24/46, with 41.25 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.09

  20. Agility jednotlivci I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  21. Jumping družstev I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  22. Jumping jednotlivci I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  23. Ratenice - Letní párty 2024, 2024-06-29 - 2024-06-30

  24. Agility OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  25. JUMPING OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  26. ZkA. II. MLA3, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  27. ZkA. I. MLA3, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  28. ZkA. MLA3, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  29. Roudnice nad Labem - 2. Kvalifikační závod na AWC, EO, MČR 2024 všechny kategorie, 2024-05-04 - 2024-05-05

  30. QA4 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: 24/69, with 36.13 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.84

  31. QA5 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  32. QA6 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  33. QJ4 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  34. QJ5 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  35. QJ6 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  36. Čerčany - 1. Kvalifikační závod na AWC, EO, MČR 2024 kat. I / L, 2024-04-20 - 2024-04-21

  37. QA1 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  38. QA2 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: 2/81, with 34.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.62

  39. QA3 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  40. QJ1 Jumping , Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  41. QJ2 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: 2/80, with 36.85 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.24

  42. QJ3 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  43. Čerčany - Stars Shining At Tachyon, 2024-03-15 - 2024-03-17

  44. Agility I. I, Desiderata Wäka: 11/23, with 37.34 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.89

  45. Agility II. I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  46. Jumping I. I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  47. Jumping II. I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  48. Jumping III. I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  49. Ratenice - Ratenice 3x zkoušky, 2024-03-03

  50. 1. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  51. 2. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  52. 3. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  53. Ratenice - 2x zkoušky, 2024-02-23

  54. 1. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  55. 2. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 4/6, with 37.59 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.89

  56. Ratenice - 2x zkoušky, 2024-01-26

  57. 1. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  58. 2. zkouška A3 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  59. Čerčany - Kvalifikační závod na World Agility Open (WAO) 2024, 2024-01-19 - 2024-01-21

  60. Agility III 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  61. Agility II 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  62. Agility I 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  63. Jumping III 500, Desiderata Wäka: 13/39, with 33.41 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.54

  64. Jumping II 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  65. Jumping I 500, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  66. Ratenice - 3x zkoušky, 2024-01-07

  67. 1. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 1/4, with 32.17 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.28

  68. 2. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  69. 3. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  70. Ratenice - 3x zkoušky, 2023-12-10

  71. 1. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 1/4, with 30.05 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.49

  72. 2. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  73. 3. zkouška A2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 2/4, with 31.91 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.17

  74. Čerčany - Pure Pleasure At Tachyon, 2023-12-02 - 2023-12-03

  75. Agility 2 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  76. Jumping 3 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  77. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 1 "Czech Imp" - 11.ročník, 2023-11-18

  78. Czech Imp Jump Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: 10/21, with 19.41 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 6.08

  79. Jumping 1 - Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  80. Jumping 2 - Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  81. Čerčany - Fofr zkoušky 18, 2023-10-14

  82. 1.zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/4, with 32.11 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.83

  83. 2.zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: 2/4, with 30.38 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.73

  84. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2023, 2023-09-30 - 2023-10-01

  85. Agility družstev AUO ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  86. Agility jednotlivců AUO ML, Desiderata Wäka: 2/6, with 34.72 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 6.31

  87. Jumping družstev AUO ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  88. Jumping Jednotlivci AUO ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  89. Ratenice - Rozjezdová zkouška, 2023-09-30

  90. ZkA. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  91. Ratenice - Sváteční dvojzkoušky, 2023-09-28

  92. ZkA. II. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  93. ZkA. II. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  94. ZkA. I. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  95. ZkA. I. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  96. Trutnov - Mistrovství České republiky, 2023-09-09 - 2023-09-10

  97. Agility družstev ML, Desiderata Wäka: 5/42, with 43.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.06

  98. Agility jednotlivci ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  99. Jumping družstev ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  100. Jumping jednotlivci ML, Desiderata Wäka: 32/41, with 35.42 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 6.21

  101. Praha - Chuchle - PRAGUE AGILITY PARTY, 2023-07-14 - 2023-07-16

  102. FRIDAY - AGILITY INDIVIDUALS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  103. FRIDAY - AGILITY TEAMS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: 16/66, with 42.05 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.23

  104. FRIDAY - JUMPING TEAMS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  105. SATURDAY - AGILITY TEAMS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: 28/57, with 38.06 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.78

  106. SATURDAY - JUMPING INDIVIDUALS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: 21/39, with 44.19 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.91

  107. SATURDAY - JUMPING TEAMS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  108. SUNDAY - AGILITY INDIVIDUALS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  109. SUNDAY - JUMPING INDIVIDUALS INTERMEDIATE, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  110. Ratenice - Letní párty 2023, 2023-06-24 - 2023-06-25

  111. Agility OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: 5/8, with 42.97 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.12

  112. JUMPING OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  113. ZkA. II. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  114. ZkA. I. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  115. ZkA. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/1, with 31.57 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.86

  116. Mladá Boleslav - 2. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2023-06-17 - 2023-06-18

  117. Agility 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  118. Agility 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 9/37, with 35.91 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.4

  119. Jumping 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 2/37, with 35.19 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.29

  120. Jumping 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  121. Dolní Přím - Probluz - Odpolední zkoušky Probluz, 2023-05-28

  122. Zkouška 1, Desiderata Wäka: 4/6, with 33.01 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  123. Zkouška 2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/6, with 28.51 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.47

  124. Liberec - 1. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2023-05-20 - 2023-05-21

  125. Agility 1 Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  126. Agility 2 Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  127. Jumping 1 Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  128. Jumping 2 Intermediate, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  129. Plzeň - O PLZEŇSKÉHO AGILIŤÁKA 2023, 2023-05-06 - 2023-05-07

  130. Agility I neděle, Desiderata Wäka: 1/19, with 32.13 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.32

  131. Agility I sobota, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  132. Jumping I neděle, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  133. Jumping I sobota, Desiderata Wäka: 9/20, with 32.77 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.86

  134. Zkouška MLA2 neděle, Desiderata Wäka: 1/7, with 32.46 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.73

  135. Zkouška MLA2 sobota, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  136. Roudnice nad Labem - 1. Kvalifikační závod na AWC, EO, IMCA, 2023-04-22 - 2023-04-23

  137. QA1 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  138. QA2 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: 17/43, with 40.67 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.82

  139. QJ1 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  140. QJ2 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  141. Roudnice nad Labem - DogFriends Rozcvička, 2023-04-21

  142. IA2 I, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  143. IA2 II, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  144. Ratenice - Aprílové dvojzkoušky I., 2023-04-01

  145. ZkA. I. IA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  146. ZkA. II. IA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  147. Čerčany - "Mistr krátkých tratí" - "Speciál" - 3.ročník, 2023-03-11

  148. Agility 1 - MiniLarge, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  149. Agility 2 - MiniLarge, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  150. Jumping 1 - MiniLarge, Desiderata Wäka: 2/20, with 21.31 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.35

  151. Jumping 2 - MiniLarge, Desiderata Wäka: 14/20, with 20.24 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.68

  152. Studenec u Trutnova - OPSION 086, 2023-03-04

  153. 1.zkouška, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  154. 2.zkouška, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  155. 3.zkouška, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  156. Ratenice - Letní CANVIT párty, 2022-06-25 - 2022-06-26

  157. Agility OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  158. Jumping OPEN ML, Desiderata Wäka: 1/12, with 41.61 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.29

  159. ZkA. III. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  160. ZkA. II. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  161. ZkA. I. MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  162. Čechy - Liberec - 2. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2022-06-18 - 2022-06-19

  163. Agility 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  164. Agility 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  165. Jumping 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  166. Jumping 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  167. Trutnov - 2. Kvalifikační závod na AWC, EO, IMCA, 2022-06-04 - 2022-06-05

  168. QA4 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  169. QA5 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  170. QA6 Agility, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  171. QJ4 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: 20/73, with 37.34 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.7

  172. QJ5 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  173. QJ6 Jumping, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  174. Čechy - Trutnov - 1. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2022-05-21 - 2022-05-22

  175. Agility 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  176. Agility 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  177. Jumping 1 ML, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  178. Jumping 2 ML, Desiderata Wäka: 28/43, with 42.86 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 5.02

  179. Trutnov - Páteční rozjezd, 2022-05-20

  180. 1. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/10, with 35.39 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.14

  181. 2. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  182. Kladno - Jelení Trojzkoušky 4, 2022-04-09

  183. 1. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  184. 2. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  185. 3. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  186. Ratenice - Prosincové CANVIŤácké dvojzkoušky, 2021-12-18

  187. 1. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  188. 2. Zkouška LA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  189. Ratenice - Mikulášské dvojzkoušky, 2021-12-05

  190. 1. Zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/4, with 32.29 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.2

  191. 2. Zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  192. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 1 "Czech Imp" - 9.ročník, 2021-11-06

  193. Czech Imp Jump Large, Beneficium Wäka: 24/46, with 20.61 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.53

  194. Czech Imp Jump Large, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  195. Jumping 1 - Large, Beneficium Wäka: 18/48, with 37.22 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.8

  196. Jumping 1 - Large, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  197. Jumping 2 - Large, Beneficium Wäka: 9/48, with 38.98 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.16

  198. Jumping 2 - Large, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  199. Ratenice - Říjnové CANVIŤácké dvojzkoušky, 2021-10-15

  200. 1. Zkouška LA1, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  201. 2. Zkouška LA1, Feeling Happy Diandra: 2/7, with 28.5 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.4

  202. Plzeň Doubravka - PLZEŇSKÉ DVOUZKOUŠKY, 2021-10-09 - 2021-10-10

  203. 1. Zkouška LA1 neděle, Feeling Happy Diandra: 1/18, with 28.12 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.76

  204. 1. Zkouška LA1 sobota, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  205. 2. Zkouška LA1 neděle, Feeling Happy Diandra: 8/18, with 27.41 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.91

  206. 2. Zkouška LA1 sobota, Feeling Happy Diandra: 5/16, with 30.98 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.94

  207. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2021, 2021-10-03

  208. Agility družstev AUO, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  209. Agility družstev AUO, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  210. Agility jednotlivců AUO, Feeling Happy Diandra: 1/42, with 44.01 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.54

  211. Agility jednotlivců AUO, Desiderata Wäka: 12/42, with 49.33 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.05

  212. Jump družstev AUO, Feeling Happy Diandra: 1/44, with 44.75 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.47

  213. Jump družstev AUO, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  214. Jump Jednotlivci AUO, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  215. Jump Jednotlivci AUO, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  216. Ratenice - KCHBO OPEN pro všechna plemena, 2021-10-02

  217. Agility OPEN L, Feeling Happy Diandra: 18/46, with 35.84 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.58

  218. Jumping OPEN L, Feeling Happy Diandra: 3/45, with 34.7 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.76

  219. Zkouška LA1, Feeling Happy Diandra: Disqualified

  220. Čerčany - Fofr zkoušky 5, 2021-09-18

  221. 1.zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: 1/8, with 37.53 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.93

  222. 2.zkouška MLA2, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  223. Ratenice - Srpnové CANVIŤácké dvojzkoušky, 2021-08-29

  224. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Desiderata Wäka: Disqualified

  225. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Desiderata Wäka: 1/6, with 31.41 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.09

  226. Plzeň - Doubravka - Plzeňské dvojzkoušky, 2021-06-05 - 2021-06-06

  227. 1. Zkouška LA1 sobota, Desiderata Wäka: 2/15, with 38.9 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.32

  228. Ratenice - Ratenické zimní dvojzkoušky III., 2020-12-06

  229. ZkA. LA1 I., Desiderata Wäka: 1/6, with 38.25 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.05

  230. ZkA. LA1 II., Desiderata Wäka: 2/6, with 38.16 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.06

  231. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2020, 2020-10-04

  232. Agility družstev AUO, By the Request Diandra: 9/44, with 48.56 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  233. Agility jednotlivců AUO, By the Request Diandra: 12/42, with 55.05 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.98

  234. Jumping družstev AUO, By the Request Diandra: 2/44, with 36.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.99

  235. Jumping jednotlivců AUO, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  236. Mohelnice - Mistrovství republiky v agility, 2020-09-26 - 2020-09-27

  237. Agility Individual, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  238. Agility Squads as Individual, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  239. Jumping Individual, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  240. Jumping Squads as Individual, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  241. Ratenice - "Large speciál" 2. ročník, 2020-08-15

  242. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: 11/53, with 37.67 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.12

  243. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  244. Jumping 3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  245. Chropyně - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility, 2020-06-20 - 2020-06-21

  246. Agility I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  247. Agility II, By the Request Diandra: 37/73, with 49.58 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.34

  248. Jumping I, By the Request Diandra: 29/80, with 41.56 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.45

  249. Jumping II, By the Request Diandra: 14/79, with 43.32 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.08

  250. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 7.ročník, 2020-01-04

  251. Czech Imp Jump, By the Request Diandra: 13/30, with 26.44 s, 5.44 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  252. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  253. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  254. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 7.ročník, 2019-12-07

  255. Czech Imp Jump, By the Request Diandra: 10/31, with 21.47 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.17

  256. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  257. Jumping 2 , By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  258. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 7.ročník, 2019-11-02

  259. Jumping 1 - Large, By the Request Diandra: 16/37, with 37.64 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.54

  260. Jumping 2 - Large, By the Request Diandra: 15/37, with 33.39 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.09

  261. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2019, 2019-10-06

  262. Agility družstev, By the Request Diandra: 10/70, with 43.85 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.68

  263. Agility jednotlivci, By the Request Diandra: 15/69, with 54.14 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.06

  264. Jumping družstev L, By the Request Diandra: 9/69, with 37.71 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.91

  265. Jumping jednotlivců, By the Request Diandra: 8/69, with 41.09 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.7

  266. Ratenice - KCHBO OPEN pro všechna plemena 2019, 2019-10-05

  267. Agility Open L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  268. Jumping Open L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  269. Zkouška LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  270. Ratenice - Lahůdkové dvojzkoušky, 2019-09-28 - 2019-09-29

  271. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: 8/30, with 37.22 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.94

  272. 1.Zkouška LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  273. 2.Zkouška LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  274. Ratenice - "Large speciál", 2019-08-03

  275. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  276. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  277. Jumping 3, By the Request Diandra: 14/60, with 37.03 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.78

  278. Ratenice - Šampionát Ratenic III., 2019-07-13 - 2019-07-14

  279. Jumping Open L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  280. ZkA. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  281. Jakubčovice - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility, 2019-06-22 - 2019-06-23

  282. Agility I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  283. Agility II, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  284. Jumping I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  285. Jumping II, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  286. Plzeň - O PLZEŇSKÉHO AGILIŤÁKA 2019, 2019-04-27 - 2019-04-28

  287. Agility neděle L, By the Request Diandra: 18/44, with 43.04 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.09

  288. Jumping neděle L, By the Request Diandra: 18/42, with 34.13 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.07

  289. Zkouška neděle LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  290. Ratenice - Dubnové dvojzkoušky, 2019-04-20

  291. ZkA. LA3 I., By the Request Diandra: 5/11, with 37.69 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.25

  292. ZkA. LA3 II., By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  293. Čechy - Trutnov - Kvalifikační závod na MR, 2019-04-13 - 2019-04-14

  294. Agility I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  295. Agility II, By the Request Diandra: 88/165, with 43.58 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.5

  296. Jumping I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  297. Jumping II, By the Request Diandra: 65/161, with 42.38 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.55

  298. Ratenice - Březnové dvojzkoušky, 2019-03-30

  299. ZkA. II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 2/12, with 46.7 s, 1.7 pt, and a speed of 3.53

  300. ZkA. I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  301. Plzeň - O PLZEŇSKÉHO AGILIŤÁKA 2018, 2018-05-12 - 2018-05-13

  302. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  303. Jump sobota L, By the Request Diandra: 2/42, with 30.24 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.65

  304. Zkouška sobota LA3, By the Request Diandra: 7/14, with 54.59 s, 19.59 pt, and a speed of 3.66

  305. Roudnice nad Labem - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility 2018, 2018-04-14 - 2018-04-15

  306. I Agility Open, By the Request Diandra: 50/139, with 42.16 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.55

  307. II Agility Open, By the Request Diandra: 53/137, with 49.05 s, 10.05 pt, and a speed of 4.04

  308. II Jumping Open, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  309. I Jumping Open, By the Request Diandra: 47/139, with 41.84 s, 6.84 pt, and a speed of 4.13

  310. Ratenice - Březnové dvojzkoušky, 2018-03-24

  311. ZkA. II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  312. ZkA. I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  313. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 5.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2018-01-06

  314. Czech Imp Jump Large, Granada Chocolate Frances: 8/47, with 19.23 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.1

  315. Jumping 1 Large, Granada Chocolate Frances: 7/47, with 33.35 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.01

  316. Jumping 2 Large, Granada Chocolate Frances: 6/47, with 32.28 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.3

  317. Děčín - Mistrovství České republiky, 2017-09-09 - 2017-09-10

  318. Agility družstev, By the Request Diandra: 29/88, with 39.32 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.04

  319. Agility jednotlivců, By the Request Diandra: 46/87, with 51.83 s, 20.83 pt, and a speed of 3.61

  320. Jumping družstev, By the Request Diandra: 14/88, with 46.39 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.31

  321. Jumping jednotlivců, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  322. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2017, 2017-08-27

  323. Agility Open AO, By the Request Diandra: 4/44, with 42.65 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.43

  324. Agility Open AO Squads, By the Request Diandra: 5/46, with 40.79 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.76

  325. Jumping Open AO, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  326. Jumping Open AO Squads, By the Request Diandra: 16/46, with 35.46 s, 0.46 pt, and a speed of 4.6

  327. Ratenice - KCHBO OPEN pro všechna plemena, 2017-08-26

  328. Agility Open, By the Request Diandra: 4/58, with 43.23 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  329. Agility Trial, By the Request Diandra: 6/19, with 45.56 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  330. Jumping Open, By the Request Diandra: 11/57, with 31.37 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.88

  331. Ratenice - MushGo Šampionát Ratenic, 2017-07-29 - 2017-07-30

  332. Jump III. L, By the Request Diandra: 8/42, with 34.65 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.24

  333. Jump II. L, By the Request Diandra: 28/52, with 34.43 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.53

  334. Jump I. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  335. Tunel I. L, By the Request Diandra: 9/34, with 27.17 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.89

  336. ZkA. Ne LA3, By the Request Diandra: 3/20, with 40.73 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.3

  337. ZkA. So LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  338. Ratenice - Letní dvojzkoušky, 2017-07-09

  339. ZkA. I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  340. ZkA. ll. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 1/19, with 41.75 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.72

  341. Lutopecny u Kroměříže - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility 2017, 2017-06-24 - 2017-06-25

  342. Agility 1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  343. Agility 2, By the Request Diandra: 12/77, with 44.85 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.24

  344. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: 13/77, with 38.29 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.44

  345. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  346. Kácov - Kácovský tuplák, 2017-05-13

  347. Běh dvojic Large, By the Request Diandra: 20/34, with 59.44 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.75

  348. JUMPING, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  349. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  350. Plzeň - O PLZEŇSKÉHO AGILIŤÁKA 2017, 2017-04-29 - 2017-04-30

  351. Agility NE L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  352. Agility SO L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  353. Jump NE L, By the Request Diandra: 6/52, with 34.0 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.53

  354. Jump SO L, By the Request Diandra: 2/55, with 35.59 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.06

  355. Zkouška NE LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  356. Zkouška SO LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  357. Roudnice nad Labem - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility 2017, 2017-04-15 - 2017-04-16

  358. Agility 1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  359. Agility 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  360. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: 64/128, with 41.31 s, 15.31 pt, and a speed of 4.33

  361. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: 54/128, with 45.65 s, 13.65 pt, and a speed of 4.07

  362. Ratenice - Slávčiny dvojzkoušky, 2017-02-18

  363. ZkA. II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 3/15, with 36.04 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.22

  364. ZkA. I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 6/15, with 35.71 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.65

  365. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár" 4 - 4.ročník, 2017-02-04

  366. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: 19/43, with 18.66 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.93

  367. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: 6/43, with 29.64 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.86

  368. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: 13/43, with 31.51 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.63

  369. Ratenice - Míšiny dvojzkoušky, 2017-01-28

  370. ZkA II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  371. ZkA I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  372. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár" 3 - 4.ročník, 2017-01-07

  373. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: 11/49, with 22.32 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.61

  374. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  375. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  376. Ratenice - Ratenické jumpy, 2016-12-11

  377. Jumping III. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  378. Jumping II. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  379. Jumping I. L, By the Request Diandra: 3/45, with 26.75 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.11

  380. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár" 2 - 4.ročník, 2016-12-03

  381. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: 7/59, with 20.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.88

  382. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: 25/59, with 36.88 s, 15.88 pt, and a speed of 4.28

  383. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  384. Ratenice - Ratenické dvojzkoušky, 2016-11-26

  385. ZkA II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 4/10, with 41.74 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.0

  386. ZkA I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: 2/10, with 41.76 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.14

  387. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár" 1 - 4.ročník, 2016-11-05

  388. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: 19/69, with 23.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  389. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: 9/69, with 36.01 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.83

  390. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  391. Plzeň - MEMORIAL JOLANY TROPPOVÉ, 2016-09-24 - 2016-09-25

  392. Agility_ne L, By the Request Diandra: 16/55, with 45.55 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.73

  393. Jumping_so L, By the Request Diandra: 5/55, with 34.8 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.66

  394. Zkouška_so_1 LA3, By the Request Diandra: 7/12, with 38.75 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.41

  395. Zkouška_so_2 LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  396. Ratenice - Dvojzkoušky "Narozeninová párty", 2016-08-13

  397. ZkA. II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  398. ZkA. I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  399. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm - Ve znamení TRNEK, 2016-08-06 - 2016-08-07

  400. Agility I, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  401. Agility II, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  402. HCV Jumping, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  403. Jumping 1, By the Request Diandra: 5/44, with 35.96 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.87

  404. Jumping 2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  405. Speciální Jumping „Ve znamení trnek“, By the Request Diandra: 29/41, with 49.1 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.75

  406. Ratenice - Letní párty, 2016-07-30 - 2016-07-31

  407. Zk A II. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  408. Zk.A I. LA3, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  409. Dobříš - DogFriends ​BRIT ​kvalifikačky 2016, 2016-06-18 - 2016-06-19

  410. QA5 Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  411. QA5 Agility, Granada Chocolate Frances: Disqualified

  412. QA6 Agility, Granada Chocolate Frances: Disqualified

  413. QA6 Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  414. QJ5 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  415. QJ5 Jumping, Granada Chocolate Frances: Disqualified

  416. QJ6 Jumping, Granada Chocolate Frances: 31/182, with 35.74 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.78

  417. QJ6 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  418. Brno - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2016, 2016-06-12

  419. Agility AUO, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  420. Jumping AUO, By the Request Diandra: 5/45, with 35.18 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.75

  421. Brno - KCHBO OPEN 2016, 2016-06-11

  422. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  423. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: 16/51, with 43.96 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.25

  424. Zk LA3, By the Request Diandra: 10/16, with 52.78 s, 12.78 pt, and a speed of 3.79

  425. Přerov - Natur Pet 2. kvalifikační závod, 2016-05-21 - 2016-05-22

  426. QA3 Agility, By the Request Diandra: 54/176, with 47.13 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.1

  427. QA4 Agility, By the Request Diandra: 62/174, with 44.5 s, 20.5 pt, and a speed of 3.93

  428. QJ3 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 88/176, with 43.82 s, 12.82 pt, and a speed of 3.7

  429. QJ4 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 79/174, with 38.65 s, 11.65 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  430. Ratenice - Dvojzkoušky "Čarodějnický rej", 2016-04-30

  431. ZkA. II. LA2, By the Request Diandra: 2/25, with 44.15 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.92

  432. ZkA. I LA2, By the Request Diandra: 1/25, with 39.19 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.47

  433. Děčín - DogFriends FITMIN kvalifikačky 2016, 2016-04-23 - 2016-04-24

  434. QA1 Agility, By the Request Diandra: 22/213, with 49.05 s, 0.05 pt, and a speed of 3.98

  435. QA2 Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  436. QJ1 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 66/213, with 42.96 s, 6.96 pt, and a speed of 4.17

  437. QJ2 Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 86/197, with 44.21 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.18

  438. Ratenice - Morrisovy dvojzkoušky III., 2016-02-27

  439. ZkA II. LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  440. ZkA I. LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  441. Louny - O sněhovou vločku, 2016-01-10

  442. Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  443. Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 4/48, with 39.0 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.1

  444. ZkA, By the Request Diandra: 5/17, with 32.44 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.16

  445. Ratenice - O Ratenickou Beranici IV., 2015-12-27

  446. Jumping III. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  447. Jumping II. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  448. Jumping I. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  449. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár"2 - 3.ročník, 2015-12-05

  450. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  451. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: 19/49, with 37.27 s, 18.57 pt, and a speed of 3.89

  452. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: 27/49, with 39.23 s, 12.53 pt, and a speed of 4.03

  453. Všetice u Neveklova - "Zimní pohár"1 - 3.ročník, 2015-11-07

  454. Czech Imp Jump Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  455. Jumping 1 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  456. Jumping 2 Large, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  457. Ratenice - ICE AGE AGI II., 2015-10-24 - 2015-10-25

  458. Jumping II. L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  459. Jumping I. L, By the Request Diandra: 5/33, with 36.63 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.6

  460. ZkA II. LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  461. ZkA I. LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  462. ZkA LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  463. Plzeň - MEMORIAL JOLANY TROPPOVÉ, 2015-10-03 - 2015-10-04

  464. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  465. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  466. Zkouska_so_01 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  467. Zkouška_ne LA2, By the Request Diandra: 5/22, with 36.88 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  468. Zkouška_so_02 LA2, By the Request Diandra: 9/25, with 38.69 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.96

  469. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2015, 2015-09-27

  470. Agility AO, By the Request Diandra: 8/49, with 44.38 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  471. Agility - družstva AO, By the Request Diandra: 3/47, with 37.36 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.9

  472. Jumping AO, By the Request Diandra: 15/49, with 37.75 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.77

  473. Jumping - družstva AO, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  474. Ratenice - O Ratenickou Blechu II., 2015-09-20

  475. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  476. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  477. ZkA LA2, By the Request Diandra: 3/17, with 42.04 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.31

  478. Mladá Boleslav - Apple Cup + MR teriérů, 2015-09-13

  479. Agility OPEN L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  480. Jumping Open L, By the Request Diandra: 1/32, with 31.5 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.76

  481. Zkouska LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  482. Kladno - Jahodová BOWLE, 2014-11-29 - 2014-11-30

  483. Agility LA sobota, By the Request Diandra: 14/69, with 43.98 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.21

  484. Jumping LA neděle, By the Request Diandra: 15/72, with 50.3 s, 9.3 pt, and a speed of 3.62

  485. Jumping LA sobota, By the Request Diandra: 29/70, with 42.95 s, 18.95 pt, and a speed of 3.77

  486. Velké finále LA neděle, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  487. Zkoušky LA2 neděle, By the Request Diandra: 10/31, with 44.34 s, 8.34 pt, and a speed of 3.65

  488. Zkoušky LA2 sobota, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  489. Plzeň-Doubravka - Memoriál Jolany Troppové, 2014-10-04 - 2014-10-05

  490. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  491. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: 18/41, with 37.69 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.64

  492. Zkouska_nedele LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  493. Zkouska_sobota_01 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  494. Zkouska_sobota_02 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  495. Ratenice - Letní párty - 5x zkoušky, 2014-08-09 - 2014-08-10

  496. Zkouška A2 - 1 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  497. Zkouška A2 - 2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: 1/20, with 41.07 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.58

  498. Zkouška A2 - 3 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  499. 1 zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  500. 2 zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 2/18, with 37.78 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.45

  501. Dobříš - CACIT Dobříš - 2. AUSSIE CUP, 1. MOTÝLÍ speciál a 1. speciál pro STŘEDNÍ VĚK, 2014-07-19 - 2014-07-20

  502. Dobříš, By the Request Diandra: 5/54, with 44.55 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.49

  503. Dobříš, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  504. Dobříš, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  505. Dobříš, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  506. Dobříš, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  507. Větřkovice - Větřkovické dvojzkoušky, 2014-06-28

  508. 1. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 2/15, with 41.43 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.39

  509. 2. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 1/15, with 41.9 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.32

  510. Mladá Boleslav - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2014, 2014-05-18

  511. Agility AUO L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  512. Jumping AUO L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  513. Mladá Boleslav - Závody Zvířatanakupují.cz, 2014-05-17

  514. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  515. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: 25/49, with 31.59 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  516. Zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  517. Plzeň Doubravka - O plzeňského agiliťáka, 2014-05-10 - 2014-05-11

  518. Agility neděle L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  519. Agility - sobota L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  520. Jumping - neděle L, By the Request Diandra: 16/32, with 40.47 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  521. Jumping - sobota L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  522. Zkoušky LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  523. Zkoušky neděle LA2, By the Request Diandra: 3/14, with 40.53 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  524. Ratenice - Strakaté dvojzkoušky, 2013-11-09

  525. 1.zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  526. 2.zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  527. Ratenice - Závody Agility "ICE AGE AGI", 2013-10-27

  528. Agility OPEN L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  529. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  530. Zkouska LA2, By the Request Diandra: 2/16, with 35.56 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.5

  531. Plzeň Doubravka - MEMORIÁL JOLANY TROPPOVÉ, 2013-09-07 - 2013-09-08

  532. So jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  533. So zkouška 1 LA2, By the Request Diandra: 5/16, with 41.98 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.03

  534. So zkouška 2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  535. Ratenice - Babí léto + 4. Agility Collie Cup + 3. Vousatý pohár, 2013-08-25

  536. Babí léto - AGI L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  537. Babí léto - JUMP L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  538. Ratenice - Double: 2x A1-3 + Bonus J1-3, 2013-08-24

  539. zkouška 1 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  540. zkouška 2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: 7/17, with 45.62 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 3.84

  541. zkouška 3 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  542. Horní Počernice - 2. dvojzkoušky, 2013-07-14

  543. 1. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  544. 2. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  545. 3. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 7/14, with 40.86 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.31

  546. Kácov - Kácovský "Tuplák 1", 2013-06-29

  547. Zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 5/17, with 42.34 s, 10.34 pt, and a speed of 3.66

  548. Zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  549. Zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  550. Mladá Boleslav - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2013, 2013-06-09

  551. Agility, By the Request Diandra: 12/48, with 43.41 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  552. Jumping, By the Request Diandra: 14/48, with 36.66 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  553. Mladá Boleslav - Non-stop Dogwear Agility, 2013-06-08

  554. Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  555. Jumping, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  556. Zka, By the Request Diandra: 7/18, with 48.95 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.58

  557. Ratenice - Dvojzkoušky "Pojď mi hop", 2013-05-12

  558. III. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 7/9, with 55.83 s, 17.83 pt, and a speed of 3.44

  559. II. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 2/12, with 43.74 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.8

  560. I. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  561. Ratenice - Závody "O Ratenickou Blechu", 2013-04-07

  562. Agility open L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  563. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  564. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  565. Ratenice - Dvojzkoušky "O Ratenickou Blechu", 2013-04-06

  566. 1. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  567. 2. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  568. Ratenice - Agi závody "Jelimánovy Jelikonoce", 2013-04-01

  569. JUMPING L L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  570. OPEN L L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  571. zkouška A2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: 3/11, with 34.16 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.51

  572. Hradištko u Sadské - Hopsání u dědy Mráze, 2013-03-03

  573. agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  574. jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  575. zkouška LA2, By the Request Diandra: 6/18, with 40.52 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.15

  576. Ratenice - "Morrisovy Dvojzkoušky", 2013-02-24

  577. II. zkouška A2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  578. I.. zkouška A2 LA2, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  579. Ratenice - Dvojzkoušky - speciál pro Large "O Ratenický Vaťák", 2012-12-30

  580. 1. zkouška LA1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: 3/24, with 37.15 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.88

  581. 2. zkouška LA1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  582. Ratenice - Trojzkoušky "O Ratenickou Beranici", 2012-12-29

  583. zkouška č.1 A1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  584. zkouška č.2 A1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: 1/17, with 27.0 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.22

  585. zkouška č.3 A1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  586. Kladno - Jahodová bowle, 2012-12-01 - 2012-12-02

  587. JUMPING-L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  588. LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  589. Ratenice - "Ratenické Dvojzkoušky", 2012-11-04

  590. 1.zkouška jedničky LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  591. 2.zkouška jedničky LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  592. Horní Počernice - 23. Dvojzkoušky, 2012-10-21

  593. 23. dvojzkousky, Horni Pocernice, beh 1, By the Request Diandra: 16/30, with 62.5 s, 17.5 pt, and a speed of 2.69

  594. 23. dvojzkousky, Horni Pocernice, beh 2, By the Request Diandra: 4/30, with 30.44 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.58

  595. Ratenice - Ratenický agi cup, 2012-09-15

  596. Agility - open L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  597. OPen-jump L, By the Request Diandra: 6/29, with 45.53 s, 6.53 pt, and a speed of 3.56

  598. Zkoušky LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  599. Přerov - Dvojí zkoušky, 2012-08-19

  600. 1.zkouska LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  601. 2.zkouška LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  602. Větřkovice - Moravskoslezský pohár II, 2012-06-23 - 2012-06-24

  603. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  604. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  605. Zkoušky LA1, By the Request Diandra: 2/12, with 31.94 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.82

  606. Nymburk - Nymburk Cup, 2012-06-03

  607. agility open large L, By the Request Diandra: 20/35, with 41.28 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.22

  608. jumping large L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  609. nymburské zkoušky LA1 LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  610. Opatovice nad Labem - Mistrovství ČR šeltií a OPEN AIR MR ČR BO a AUO, 2012-05-13

  611. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  612. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  613. Praha - Horní Počernice - 5. Májová cena, 2012-05-08

  614. Májová cena, Agility, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  615. Májová cena, Jumping, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  616. Májová cena, zkoušky, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  617. Bukovina u Turnova - Purina ProPan Cup Zrcadlová Koza, 2012-04-21 - 2012-04-22

  618. Agility L, By the Request Diandra: 4/23, with 39.28 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.77

  619. Jumping II L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  620. Jumping L, By the Request Diandra: 6/22, with 40.13 s, 5.13 pt, and a speed of 3.99

  621. LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  622. Hradištko u Sadské - Hopsání u dědy Mráze (3. ročník), 2012-03-11

  623. Dědovo agility L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  624. Dědův jumping L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  625. Postřižinské zkoušky LA1, By the Request Diandra: 4/9, with 38.94 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.06

  626. Louny - Posilvestrovské skotačení o sněhovou vločku, 2012-01-07 - 2012-01-08

  627. Agility neděle L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  628. Agility sobota L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  629. Jumping neděle L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  630. Jumping sobota L, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  631. ZKNE LA1, By the Request Diandra: 7/11, with 28.74 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.11

  632. ZKSO LA1, By the Request Diandra: 6/13, with 41.86 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 2.82

  633. Kutná Hora - Emilův dvojskok - 2x zkoušky, 2011-10-09

  634. LA1, By the Request Diandra: Disqualified

  635. LA1 II., By the Request Diandra: 4/19, with 41.06 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.92