Petra Listopadová

  1. Number: 004680
  2. Ka member: Yes
  3. Club digest: Yes
  4. Member since: 2019-03-11
  5. Member until: 2024-12-31
  6. Sex: female


  1. 053214 (I), Scandal Beauty Puella Fera

  2. 053514 (I), Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky

  3. 079416 (L), Dallin Ballarat

  4. 086617 (L), Every Moment Diandra

  5. 024120 (S), Nuummit Honey Eli

  6. 034721 (L), Fusca JuWe’s

  7. 104123, Bay Leaf

  8. 104223 (I), Ariadna Nene Lili



  1. Kladno - Vánoční Dvojzkoušky (čtvrtek), 2023-12-28

  2. 1. Zkouška LA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  3. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Ariadna Nene Lili: 3/5, with 41.67 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.6

  4. 2. Zkouška LA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  5. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Ariadna Nene Lili: 2/5, with 44.48 s, 11.48 pt, and a speed of 3.37

  6. Kladno - Vánoční Dvojzkoušky (středa), 2023-12-27

  7. 1. Zkouška LA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  8. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Ariadna Nene Lili: Disqualified

  9. 2. Zkouška LA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  10. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Ariadna Nene Lili: 1/4, with 38.19 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  11. Kladno - Vánoční Pohádkové Trojzkoušky (středa), 2022-12-28

  12. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  13. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  14. 3. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  15. Kladno - Vánoční Pohádkové Trojzkoušky (úterý), 2022-12-27

  16. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: 6/10, with 44.56 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  17. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: 2/10, with 36.96 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.57

  18. 3. Zkouška MLA1, Fusca JuWe’s: 5/10, with 39.0 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.41

  19. Rohatec - Podzimní Jumpingy, 2021-09-19

  20. GranCann jump ML, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  21. Jump o Bízovic lahvinku ML, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  22. Jump o Canvit ML, Fusca JuWe’s: Disqualified

  23. Čechy - Trutnov - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility, 2021-06-19 - 2021-06-20

  24. Agility 1 ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  25. Agility 2 ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  26. Jumping 1 ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  27. Jumping 2 ML, Dallin Ballarat: 13/34, with 39.39 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.57

  28. Kladno - Rakeťácké dvojzkoušky a jumping 3, 2021-06-12

  29. 1. Jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  30. 1. Zkouška MLA2, Dallin Ballarat: 1/2, with 33.26 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.23

  31. 2. Jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  32. 2. Zkouška MLA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  33. Mohelnice - Mistrovství republiky v agility, 2020-09-26 - 2020-09-27

  34. Agility Individual, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  35. Agility Squads as Individual, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  36. Jumping Individual, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  37. Jumping Squads as Individual, Dallin Ballarat: 12/34, with 37.04 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.97

  38. Trutnov - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility, 2020-06-20 - 2020-06-21

  39. I. agility ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  40. II. agility ML, Dallin Ballarat: 3/37, with 43.87 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.79

  41. II. jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  42. I. jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: 12/37, with 35.65 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.22

  43. Rohatec - Rohatecký koláček, 2020-05-24

  44. Canviťácký Jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: 5/11, with 33.29 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.53

  45. Canviťácký Jumping S, Nuummit Honey Eli: Disqualified

  46. Husse Jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  47. Husse Jumping S, Nuummit Honey Eli: Disqualified

  48. Stávečkovo jumping ML, Dallin Ballarat: 6/11, with 24.8 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 6.49

  49. Stávečkovo jumping S, Nuummit Honey Eli: Disqualified

  50. Kladno - Zkoušky NKÚ XVII., 2020-02-14

  51. LA2 - I., Dallin Ballarat: 1/4, with 37.57 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.84

  52. LA2 - II., Dallin Ballarat: 2/4, with 39.74 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.66

  53. LA2 - III., Dallin Ballarat: 2/4, with 49.78 s, 13.78 pt, and a speed of 3.44

  54. Kladno - MyBeast Cup vol. 4, 2019-12-15

  55. Agility Spokojeného psa L, Dallin Ballarat: 20/34, with 28.38 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.5

  56. Jacob & Joseph Jumping L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  57. Jelenův Jumping L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  58. PhysioDOG Agility L, Dallin Ballarat: 8/34, with 50.07 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.39

  59. Kladno - Jahodová BOWLE, 2019-11-23 - 2019-11-24

  60. Agility Open L_sobota, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  61. Jumping L_neděle, Dallin Ballarat: 17/33, with 36.63 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.02

  62. Jumping L_sobota, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  63. LA2_neděle, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  64. LA2_sobota, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  65. Ratenice - Ratenické dvojzkoušky, 2019-10-20

  66. ZkA. LA2 I., Dallin Ballarat: 2/9, with 40.28 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.59

  67. ZkA. LA2 II., Dallin Ballarat: 1/8, with 36.62 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.19

  68. Ratenice - KCHBO OPEN pro všechna plemena 2019, 2019-10-05

  69. Agility Open L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  70. Jumping Open L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  71. Zkouška LA2, Dallin Ballarat: 2/8, with 42.3 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.96

  72. Český Dub - Mistrovství České republiky v agility, 2019-08-31 - 2019-09-01

  73. Agility Open, Dallin Ballarat: 26/125, with 42.24 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.69

  74. Agility Squads as Individual, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  75. Jumping Open, Dallin Ballarat: 70/136, with 43.94 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.78

  76. Jumping Squads as Individual, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  77. Ratenice - "Large speciál", 2019-08-03

  78. Jumping 1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  79. Jumping 2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  80. Jumping 3, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  81. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm - 10th MORAVIA OPEN 2019, 2019-07-05 - 2019-07-07

  82. Agility Trial, Dallin Ballarat: 10/53, with 49.57 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.24

  83. Agility 1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  84. Agility 2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  85. Agility 3, Dallin Ballarat: 22/177, with 44.28 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  86. Agility 4, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  87. Jumping 1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  88. Jumping 2, Dallin Ballarat: 24/200, with 34.69 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.82

  89. Čechy - Mladá Boleslav - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility, 2019-06-22 - 2019-06-23

  90. Ne. - Agility II. L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  91. Ne. - Jumping II. L, Dallin Ballarat: 21/96, with 41.13 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.81

  92. So. - Agility I. L, Dallin Ballarat: 5/105, with 41.87 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.9

  93. So. - Jumping I. L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  94. Brno - Letní Robinsonáda, 2019-05-25

  95. Agility L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  96. 1. Jumping L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  97. 2. Jumping L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  98. Tošovice - 19. Mistrovství ČR border collií, 2019-05-10 - 2019-05-12

  99. Ne. - Mistrovství jednotlivců BCCCZ - Finále (Agility A23), Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  100. Pá. - Power & Speed (Agility A23), Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  101. Pá. - Speciální závod - 1.kolo (Jumping A123), Dallin Ballarat: 44/169, with 38.43 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.44

  102. So. - Mistrovství jednotlivců BCCCZ - První kolo (Jumping A23), Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  103. So. - Speciální závod - 2.kolo (Agility A123) , Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  104. So. - Tachyon Trophy A2/A3 kategorie (Jumping A23) , Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  105. So. - Závod družstev - Kvalifikační kolo (Agility A123), Dallin Ballarat: 40/170, with 39.81 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.02

  106. Čechy - Trutnov - Kvalifikační závod na MR, 2019-04-13 - 2019-04-14

  107. Agility I, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  108. Agility I, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  109. Agility II, Dallin Ballarat: 19/165, with 38.62 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.08

  110. Agility II, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  111. Jumping I, Dallin Ballarat: 95/169, with 41.8 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  112. Jumping I, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  113. Jumping II, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 76/161, with 39.3 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.91

  114. Jumping II, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  115. Rohatec - DVOJZKOUŠKY, 2019-04-06

  116. 1. Zkouška LA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  117. 1. Zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  118. 2. Zkouška LA2, Dallin Ballarat: 1/9, with 36.19 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.08

  119. 2. Zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  120. Kladno - Zkoušky NKÚ VII., 2019-02-22

  121. Zkouška LA2 I, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  122. Zkouška LA2 II, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  123. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 6.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2019-01-05

  124. Czech Imp Jump, Dallin Ballarat: 17/52, with 21.82 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.73

  125. Jumping 1, Dallin Ballarat: 7/52, with 30.3 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.45

  126. Jumping 2, Dallin Ballarat: 25/52, with 28.22 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.32

  127. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2018, 2018-09-29

  128. Agility Družstva L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  129. Agility Družstva L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  130. Agility jednotlivci AO L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  131. Agility jednotlivci AO L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  132. Jumping Družstva L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  133. Jumping Družstva L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  134. Jumping jednotlivci AO L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  135. Jumping jednotlivci AO L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  136. Ratenice - KCHBO OPEN pro všechna plemena, 2018-09-28

  137. Agility OPEN L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  138. Agility OPEN L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  139. Jumping OPEN L, Dallin Ballarat: 18/58, with 36.81 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 4.81

  140. Jumping OPEN L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  141. Zk.A LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  142. Zk.A LA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  143. Přerov - Mistrovství České republiky, 2018-09-22 - 2018-09-23

  144. Agility, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  145. Agility DRUZSTVA, Dallin Ballarat: 53/97, with 46.86 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.23

  146. Jumping, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  147. Jumping DRUZSTVA, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  148. Ratenice - Šampionát Ratenic II., 2018-07-28 - 2018-07-29

  149. Jumping III L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 9/35, with 30.46 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.53

  150. Jumping III L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  151. ZkA III. LA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  152. ZkA III. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  153. ZkA. II. LA2, Dallin Ballarat: 4/13, with 30.87 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.34

  154. ZkA. II. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  155. Kladno - Zkoušky NKÚ I., 2018-07-20

  156. LA2 - 1. LA2, Dallin Ballarat: 6/19, with 37.87 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.33

  157. LA2 - 2. LA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  158. Mladá Boleslav - Kvalifikační závod na MR v agility 2018, 2018-06-23 - 2018-06-24

  159. Agility II. L, Dallin Ballarat: 13/92, with 44.76 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.4

  160. Agility I. L, Dallin Ballarat: 19/94, with 42.5 s, 6.5 pt, and a speed of 4.28

  161. Jumping I. L, Dallin Ballarat: 27/94, with 38.61 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  162. Lysá nad Labem - NOSOROŽCI NA VODĚ, 2018-05-26

  163. Agility L L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 8/21, with 51.07 s, 23.07 pt, and a speed of 3.92

  164. Agility L L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  165. A2 zkouška LA2, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  166. A2 zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  167. Jumping L L, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  168. Jumping L L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  169. Tošovice - 18. Mezinárodní mistrovství BCCCZ 2018, 2018-05-11 - 2018-05-13

  170. Agility A1, Dallin Ballarat: 10/46, with 35.57 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.75

  171. Agility Squads as individual, Dallin Ballarat: 14/157, with 38.32 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.49

  172. Jumping A1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  173. Jumping Squads as Individual, Dallin Ballarat: 84/162, with 37.75 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.66

  174. Power & Speed A1, Dallin Ballarat: 5/48, with 8.43 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 6.41

  175. Special Agility, Dallin Ballarat: 6/159, with 35.57 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.4

  176. Special Final, Dallin Ballarat: 14/28, with 41.46 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.2

  177. Special Jumping, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  178. Tachyon Trophy A1, Dallin Ballarat: 19/47, with 28.24 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.38

  179. Nymburk - Čarodějnické hopsání - dvojzkoušky, 2018-04-29

  180. 1. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 1/20, with 28.55 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.55

  181. 1. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  182. 2. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 2/20, with 25.1 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.26

  183. 2. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 7/20, with 34.51 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.82

  184. Luštěnice - II. Aprílové zkoušky, 2018-04-21 - 2018-04-22

  185. III. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 1/14, with 25.37 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.44

  186. II. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  187. I. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 4/14, with 37.19 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  188. Liberec - Zkoušky superhrdinů, 2018-04-02

  189. I. Batmanova zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  190. II. Supermanova zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 3/14, with 33.41 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.1

  191. Ratenice - Březnové dvojzkoušky, 2018-03-24

  192. ZkA. II. LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 18/25, with 33.81 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  193. ZkA. I. LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 2/25, with 30.64 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.16

  194. Beroun - DogFriends ALAVIS Agility Fun Weekend, 2018-03-17 - 2018-03-18

  195. Agility, Dallin Ballarat: 25/55, with 60.02 s, 34.02 pt, and a speed of 3.28

  196. Agility, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  197. Jumping, Dallin Ballarat: 32/53, with 39.44 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.98

  198. Jumping, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  199. Zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  200. Zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  201. Ratenice - Večerní dvojzkoušky, 2018-03-02

  202. II. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 3/11, with 29.55 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.6

  203. I. zkouška LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 4/11, with 39.67 s, 7.67 pt, and a speed of 3.43

  204. Ratenice - Únorové dvojzkoušky, 2018-02-24

  205. Zk.A II. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 4/22, with 37.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.46

  206. ZkA. I. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  207. Beroun - NOSOROŽCI NA SNĚHU aneb dvojzkoušky v Berouně, 2018-02-18

  208. 1 LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 6/16, with 29.37 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.28

  209. 2 LA1, Dallin Ballarat: 4/16, with 32.54 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.19

  210. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 5.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2018-02-03

  211. Czech Imp Jump Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  212. Czech Imp Jump Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  213. Jumping 1 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  214. Jumping 1 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  215. Jumping 2 Large, Dallin Ballarat: 9/36, with 38.15 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.67

  216. Jumping 2 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 17/36, with 37.4 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.76

  217. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 5.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2018-01-06

  218. Czech Imp Jump Large, Dallin Ballarat: 16/47, with 20.03 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.89

  219. Czech Imp Jump Large, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 19/47, with 21.36 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.59

  220. Jumping 1 Large, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 21/47, with 45.56 s, 13.56 pt, and a speed of 3.67

  221. Jumping 1 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  222. Jumping 2 Large, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 20/47, with 45.0 s, 21.0 pt, and a speed of 3.8

  223. Jumping 2 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  224. Ratenice - Předsilvestrovské dvojzkoušky, 2017-12-30

  225. ZkA II. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  226. ZkA I. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  227. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 5.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2017-12-02

  228. Czech Imp Jump Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  229. Czech Imp Jump Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  230. Jumping 1 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 9/47, with 38.34 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  231. Jumping 1 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  232. Jumping 2 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  233. Jumping 2 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  234. Ratenice - Zimní pohár "Czech Imp" - 5.ročník - i pro XSmall, 2017-11-04

  235. Czech Imp Jump Large, Dallin Ballarat: 10/51, with 26.38 s, 1.38 pt, and a speed of 4.02

  236. Czech Imp Jump Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 14/51, with 25.59 s, 5.59 pt, and a speed of 4.14

  237. Jumping 1 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 15/51, with 33.35 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.74

  238. Jumping 1 Large, Dallin Ballarat: 17/51, with 34.1 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.63

  239. Jumping 2 Large, Dallin Ballarat: Disqualified

  240. Jumping 2 Large, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  241. Liberec - Halloweenské - 2 x zkoušky, 2017-10-07

  242. II. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 4/19, with 34.55 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.57

  243. I. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  244. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2017, 2017-08-27

  245. Agility Open AO, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  246. Agility Open AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  247. Agility Open AO Squads, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  248. Agility Open AO Squads, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  249. Jumping Open AO, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  250. Jumping Open AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  251. Jumping Open AO Squads, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 31/46, with 42.5 s, 17.5 pt, and a speed of 3.84

  252. Jumping Open AO Squads, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 32/46, with 43.59 s, 28.59 pt, and a speed of 3.74

  253. Ratenice - MushGo Šampionát Ratenic, 2017-07-29 - 2017-07-30

  254. Agility open L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  255. Jump III. L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  256. Jump II. L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  257. Jump I. L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  258. Tunel I. L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 10/34, with 28.25 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.66

  259. ZkA. Ne LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  260. ZkA. So LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  261. Ratenice - Letní dvojzkoušky, 2017-07-09

  262. ZkA. I. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  263. ZkA. I. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 16/26, with 41.01 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 4.34

  264. ZkA. ll. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  265. ZkA. ll. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  266. Dolni Prim u Hradce Kralove - Acana cup - Probluzske dvojzkousky, 2017-06-10

  267. Zkouska 1 LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 7/10, with 34.3 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.85

  268. Zkouska 2 LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  269. Ratenice - Májový závod a MČR českých strakatých psů, 2017-05-07

  270. Agility open L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 13/27, with 45.96 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.76

  271. Agility open L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  272. Jumping open L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 5/28, with 34.78 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.37

  273. Jumping open L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 10/28, with 32.45 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.68

  274. ZkA. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 2/5, with 38.66 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.75

  275. ZkA. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/14, with 39.2 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  276. Terezín - Terezínský zimní pohár 3. ročník - 5. kolo, 2017-02-26

  277. 1. ZK LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  278. 2. ZK LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  279. Ratenice - Slávčiny dvojzkoušky, 2017-02-18

  280. ZkA. II. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 6/13, with 45.26 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.49

  281. ZkA. II. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  282. ZkA. I. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  283. ZkA. I. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  284. Beroun - II. Kokosy na sněhu, 2017-01-07

  285. Zkouška pro Balloo LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 5/14, with 31.04 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.32

  286. Zkouška pro Fly LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 1/14, with 36.04 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.97

  287. Zkouška pro Fly LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  288. Zkouška pro Charlieho LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 3/29, with 33.38 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.49

  289. Zkouška pro Jacka LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  290. Zkouška pro Ria LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  291. Beroun - Vánoční zkoušky, 2016-12-28

  292. 1. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 20/34, with 34.93 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  293. 2. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 8/34, with 34.72 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  294. 3. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/34, with 39.05 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  295. Proruby u Hořiček - OPSION 051, 2016-11-19

  296. 11.prorubská, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  297. 12.prorubská, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/15, with 35.86 s, 5.86 pt, and a speed of 3.68

  298. Cvikov - 26. Cvikovské zkoušky agility, 2016-08-18

  299. Zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  300. Cvikov - 25. Cvikovské zkoušky agility, 2016-08-15

  301. Zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  302. Zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 11/19, with 50.26 s, 19.26 pt, and a speed of 3.18

  303. Opatovice nad Labem - Dvojzkoušky Sirius 2016, 2016-07-17

  304. 1. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 1/17, with 33.07 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.26

  305. 1. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  306. 2. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  307. 2. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  308. Brno - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2016, 2016-06-12

  309. Agility AUO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 13/45, with 50.93 s, 18.93 pt, and a speed of 3.65

  310. Agility AUO, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  311. Jumping AUO, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  312. Jumping AUO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  313. Mikulášovice - BOREC SEVERU 2016, 2016-05-14 - 2016-05-15

  314. Agility - Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 15/26, with 43.92 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.05

  315. Agility - Ne, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  316. Agility - So, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 7/25, with 40.92 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.33

  317. Agility - So, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  318. Jumping - Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 6/26, with 29.99 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.13

  319. Jumping - Ne, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 14/26, with 33.13 s, 12.13 pt, and a speed of 3.74

  320. Jumping - So, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  321. Jumping - So, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  322. ZkA - Ne, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 6/7, with 33.95 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.86

  323. ZkA - Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  324. ZkA - So, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 2/5, with 29.23 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.65

  325. ZkA - So, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 4/13, with 45.5 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.04

  326. Kácov - "Kácovský tuplák" 1, 2016-05-07

  327. Běh dvojic, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 4/44, with 0.0 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 0.0

  328. Běh dvojic, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 17/44, with 50.65 s, 50.0 pt, and a speed of 4.05

  329. JUMPING, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 4/44, with 36.8 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.84

  330. JUMPING, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  331. LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  332. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  333. Všetice - Březnové trojzkoušky agility, 2016-03-19

  334. 1. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 7/14, with 43.55 s, 15.55 pt, and a speed of 3.35

  335. 1. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 6/18, with 39.2 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.93

  336. 2. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  337. 2. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  338. 3. zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  339. 3. zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  340. Všetice - Halové agility závody "Power & Speed" + A0, 2016-03-05

  341. Agility Open L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 16/30, with 43.17 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.43

  342. Agility Open L, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  343. Finále L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  344. Zkouška LA1, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  345. Zkouška LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 1/12, with 35.49 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.83

  346. Ratenice - Morrisovy dvojzkoušky III., 2016-02-27

  347. ZkA II. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 9/26, with 48.91 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.93

  348. ZkA I. LA2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 3/26, with 48.21 s, 38.21 pt, and a speed of 3.44

  349. Heroutice u Neveklova - 42. Dvojzkoušky + 1, 2016-02-13

  350. Heroutice, 1. běh, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  351. Heroutice, 2. běh, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: 9/20, with 58.04 s, 31.04 pt, and a speed of 2.57

  352. Heroutice, 3. běh, Apolenka Z Lišákovy smečky: Disqualified

  353. Proruby u Hořiček - OPSION 044 / dvojzkoušky, 2016-01-23

  354. 5.prorubská, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 9/11, with 25.31 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.11

  355. 6.prorubská, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/11, with 35.88 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.51

  356. Liberec - I. Kokosy na sněhu, 2016-01-16 - 2016-01-17

  357. ZkA 1 Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/14, with 37.8 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.65

  358. ZkA 2 Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 3/14, with 29.81 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.39

  359. ZkA 3 Ne, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 6/14, with 26.06 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.91

  360. Dolní Přím - IV. Arion cup - zkoušky pro A1, 2015-11-28

  361. ZkA 1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/21, with 31.94 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.26

  362. ZkA 2, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 5/21, with 28.74 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.66

  363. Dolní Jirčany - Na první pokus, 2015-10-24

  364. Agility L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  365. Jumping L, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  366. Zkouška LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  367. Ratenice - Mistrovství České republiky belgických a australských ovčáků v agility 2015, 2015-09-27

  368. Agility AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  369. Agility - družstva AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  370. Jumping AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  371. Jumping - družstva AO, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 18/48, with 39.03 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.41

  372. Kácov - „Kácovský tuplák“ 2, 2015-09-12

  373. JUMPING, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  374. LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 2/8, with 35.04 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.14

  375. ŠTAFETA DVOJIC LARGE, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 22/48, with 58.02 s, 50.0 pt, and a speed of 3.91

  376. Nymburk - Předškolní dvojzkoušky III, 2015-08-30

  377. 1. zkouška LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified

  378. 2. zkouška LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 8/23, with 38.32 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.07

  379. Cvikov - 22. Cvikovské zkoušky agility, 2015-08-13

  380. Zkouška LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: 8/11, with 32.62 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.05

  381. Cvikov - 21. Cvikovské zkoušky agility, 2015-08-10

  382. Zkouška LA1, Scandal Beauty Puella Fera: Disqualified