1. Zkouška LA2

  1. Date: 2021-06-05
  2. Competition: Lysá nad Labem - Trojzkoušky v Lysé nad Labem
  3. Judge: Dostál, Petr (CZ)
  4. Style: ZkA
  5. Standard time: 50.0 s
  6. Max time: 95.0 s
  7. Length: 190.0 m
  8. Category: A2
  9. Size: L
  10. Hurdle count: 20
  11. Speed: 3.8 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 001019 Eva Linková Cool Runnings of Monpeja 1 0 0.0 5.0 35.75 5.31 V
2 057418 Lucie Outerská Drakka Areba Artay of Highland 1 0 0.0 5.0 42.32 4.49 V
3 053519 Zuzana Hudcová Burning Heart Devlynn Z 2 0 0.0 10.0 33.24 5.72 VD
4 001119 Tereza Linková Call me Doyle from Valachian Highlands 5 0 0.0 25.0 41.59 4.57 D
DIS 044417 Hana Klimšová Polar DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 074620 Michaela Kvapilová Night Mystique Alfa Fortuna DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 075717 Kristýna Procyková Graffiti Seahawk DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 091017 Petra Pokorná Free Heart for Me Bohemia Grant DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 078719 Jakub Štýbr A3Ch Apple Deabei DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 022318 Marcela Kocourkova Balu Argo Zamunda DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 039619 Markéta Rambousková Roger Bluff Springs DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO