1. Date: 2024-06-15
  2. Competition: Čerčany - Pytloun & Juta CUP
  3. Judge: Ruža, Juraj (SK)
  4. Style: J
  5. Standard time: 52.0 s
  6. Max time: 78.0 s
  7. Length: 197.0 m
  8. Size: I
  9. Hurdle count: 20
  10. Speed: 3.79 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 000819 Lucie Krejčí A3Ch Freestyle Torii Bohemia Grant 0 0 0.0 0.0 30.43 6.47 V
2 003823 Tereza Králová Full of Energy 0 0 0.0 0.0 30.93 6.37 V
3 075217 Karel Kurc A3Ch Cool Rallye Te Salutant 0 0 0.0 0.0 31.32 6.29 V
4 696916 Michaela Bakrlíková Emilly Hola-Hopa 0 0 0.0 0.0 36.79 5.35 V
5 021218 Aneta Grygarová A3Ch Escape to Dream Bohemia Grant 1 0 0.0 5.0 31.05 6.34 V
6 083514 Lucie Bidlová Triss 1 0 0.0 5.0 34.23 5.76 V
DIS 044318 Kristýna Hrůza A3Ch Bon Temps Nejaknyt Empire DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 013824 Michaela Martinkova Color Princess Chitra Star DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 000124 Jan Krejčí Heart&Soul Zip Zap DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 031022 Michaela Šalamunová Tiara DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 015519 Eliška Vernerová #thepupu DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO