2. Zkouška MA3

  1. Date: 2021-08-21
  2. Competition: Kladno - UFO Trojzkoušky
  3. Judge: Havlíček, Karel (CZ)
  4. Style: ZkA
  5. Standard time: 53.0 s
  6. Max time: 108.0 s
  7. Length: 215.0 m
  8. Category: A3
  9. Size: M
  10. Hurdle count: 20
  11. Speed: 4.06 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 079217 Veronika Krupková A3Ch Brave Guinness Little Guardian Angel 0 0 0.0 0.0 42.32 5.08 V
2 004716 Hanka Hanušová A3Ch Sára 0 0 1.63 1.63 54.63 3.94 V
3 051017 Michala Krejčí A3Ch Wonder Perla z Polabí 1 0 0.0 5.0 41.56 5.17 V
4 035118 Bára Terčová A3Ch Embargo de Nigromanta 0 0 6.43 6.43 59.43 3.62 VD
5 009817 Veronika Machová A3Ch Grace Sparks of the Tempest 0 1 2.65 7.65 55.65 3.86 VD
6 012617 Olga Kiršina Crystal Dewdrop from Lavendermist Meadow 0 2 10.97 20.97 63.97 3.36 D
DIS 095019 Rudolf Broulík A3Ch Halle Berry Sněžný tygr DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO