3. jumping A2/A3

  1. Date: 2020-07-18
  2. Competition: Studenec u Trutnova - Odpolední dvojzkoušky na pohodu
  3. Judge: Podmolová, Jaroslava (CZ)
  4. Style: J
  5. Standard time: 39.0 s
  6. Max time: 60.0 s
  7. Length: 160.0 m
  8. Size: ML
  9. Hurdle count: 19
  10. Speed: 4.1 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 091912 Jana Pucherová A3Ch Artemis Jane´s dogs 0 0 0.0 0.0 33.28 4.81 V
2 052316 Jana Pucherová Connie Jane´s dogs 0 0 0.0 0.0 34.15 4.69 V
3 Karol Cisak Ru - "" 0 0 0.0 0.0 35.18 4.55 V
4 022516 Monika Svatošová A3Ch Goldie 0 0 1.47 1.47 40.47 3.95 V
5 083514 Lucie Bidlová Triss 1 0 0.0 5.0 30.46 5.25 V
6 056912 Jakub Diviš Gaelica Mintaka 1 0 0.0 5.0 36.14 4.43 V
7 068011 Monika Svatošová A3Ch Gyro Xapatán 1 0 0.0 5.0 36.6 4.37 V
8 007710 Radana Píšťková A3Ch Be with me Cheyennee Wonderfull Dream 0 1 0.0 5.0 37.21 4.3 V
9 020417 Radka Růžičková Flexi Free Alchera 0 2 0.0 10.0 37.8 4.23 VD
10 088116 Kateřina Kornfeldová Abigail Dog University Praque 3 0 0.0 15.0 30.56 5.24 VD