2. Zkouška IA3

  1. Date: 2024-11-20
  2. Competition: Čerčany - Tea Time At Tachyon For A2/A3 Only
  3. Judge: Divišová, Karina (CZ)
  4. Style: ZkA
  5. Standard time: 54.0 s
  6. Max time: 86.0 s
  7. Length: 215.0 m
  8. Category: A3
  9. Size: I
  10. Hurdle count: 21
  11. Speed: 3.98 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 082419 Dana Mixová A3Ch Valerie Shadow of Aire 0 0 0.0 0.0 37.57 5.72 V
2 911119 Jakub Diviš A3Ch Finrod Frances Wonderfull Dream 0 0 0.0 0.0 40.21 5.35 V
3 016521 Ivan Pospíšil B-free Bibi of Deer s woods 2 0 0.0 10.0 39.09 5.5 VD
DIS 000819 Lucie Krejčí A3Ch Freestyle Torii Bohemia Grant DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS
DIS 057220 Julie Karlíková Teddy DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS