Zkouška LA2

  1. Date: 2023-05-14
  2. Competition: Aš - Kopaninský hop
  3. Judge: Obrusníková, Aneta (CZ)
  4. Style: ZkA
  5. Standard time: 45.0 s
  6. Max time: 68.0 s
  7. Length: 170.0 m
  8. Category: A2
  9. Size: L
  10. Hurdle count: 17
  11. Speed: 3.78 m/s


# Book Handler Dog Mis Ref TPen Pen Time m/s
1 042420 Lucie Trčková Affable Bohemia Rapid Race 0 0 0.0 0.0 32.79 5.18 V
2 012623 Radomír Hošta Be the Bright Diamond Devil 1 0 0.0 5.0 30.93 5.5 V
3 077922 Kristýna Stolcová Eli Cácorka Ťapka 1 1 0.0 10.0 36.15 4.7 VD
4 036721 Jana Kalinová Brenda Ťapka 1 1 0.0 10.0 40.09 4.24 VD
DIS Alexandra Schenke Bianca DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO
DIS 033619 Kateřina Dědičková Dancing Kira z Eskorty DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS DIS BO