050316 (L), Chita Durnitor
072216 (L), Best Will Monpeja
1. zkouka LA2, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
2. zkouka LA2, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Ne. - Mistrovství jednotlivců A1 (Agility A1), Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Pá. - Power & Speed (Agility A1), Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Pá. - Speciální závod - 1.kolo (Jumping A123), Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Pá. - Tachyon Trophy A1 (Jumping A1), Best Will Monpeja: 24/61, with 35.68 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.48
So. - Mistrovství jednotlivců A1 - 1. kolo (Jumping A1), Best Will Monpeja: 21/62, with 33.24 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.11
So. - Speciální závod - 2.kolo (Agility A123) , Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
So. - Závod družstev - Kvalifikační kolo (Agility A123), Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
2. BĚH LA2, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
3. BĚH LA2, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
1. běh LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 3/9, with 29.02 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.14
3.běh LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 3/9, with 24.75 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.97
AGILITY, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
JUMPING, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
LA1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
1.zkouska A1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 3/15, with 31.98 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.69
2. zkouska A1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 13/15, with 53.16 s, 28.16 pt, and a speed of 2.82
3. zkouska A1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 2/15, with 32.67 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.32
Jednotlivci A1 - Agility, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jednotlivci A1 - Jumping, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Power & speed A1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Tachyon Trophy A1 - Jumping, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
1Q Jumping, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
2Q Agility, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
1.zkouška LA1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 7/10, with 36.84 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.69
2.zkouška LA1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Agility NE L, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Agility SO L, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jump NE L, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jump SO L, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Zkouška NE LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 7/17, with 39.7 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.83
Zkouška SO LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 8/20, with 31.08 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.44
Jumping L, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
1. Zkouška LA1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
2. Zkouška LA1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Czech Imp Jump Large, Best Will Monpeja: 10/43, with 17.73 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.19
Jumping 1 Large, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jumping 2 Large, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
zkouška 1 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: 3/6, with 35.95 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.59
zkouška 2 LA1, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Czech Imp Jump Large, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jumping 1 Large, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
Jumping 2 Large, Best Will Monpeja: Disqualified
III.zkouska LA1, Chita Durnitor: Disqualified
II.zkouska LA1, Chita Durnitor: Disqualified
I. zkouška LA1, Chita Durnitor: Disqualified
LA1_1 LA1, Chita Durnitor: 5/17, with 32.18 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.88
LA1_2 LA1, Chita Durnitor: Disqualified
1. Zkouška agility LA1, Chita Durnitor: 9/19, with 26.21 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 5.23
2. Zkouška agility LA1, Chita Durnitor: 8/19, with 27.78 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.97
3. Zkouška agility LA1, Chita Durnitor: 5/18, with 29.54 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.54
Horní Počernice, 1. běh, Chita Durnitor: 2/17, with 29.61 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.13
Horní Počernice, 2. běh, Chita Durnitor: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 3. běh, Chita Durnitor: 3/17, with 26.4 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.23
Ne_agility L, Baddy: Disqualified
Ne_jumping L, Baddy: Disqualified
Zkouška LA1, Baddy: Disqualified