Afrodithé Quendoline Silesia

  1. Breed: Zwergschnauzer
  2. Birth date: 2007-04-01
  3. Sex: female
  4. Height: 32.0
  5. Size: S


  1. 009909 (S), Jana Skwirutová



2000-01-01 1st measurement 32.0 cm S


  1. Česká Skalice - OPSION 025 / Rozkoš, 2012-06-16 - 2012-06-17

  2. So-Agility S, Jana Skwirutová: Disqualified

  3. So-Jumping S, Jana Skwirutová: 3/29, with 37.97 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.16

  4. So- SA2, Jana Skwirutová: 4/14, with 41.69 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  5. Prostějov - Dvojzkoušky, 2011-05-01

  6. Zkouška č.1 SA2, Jana Skwirutová: 8/17, with 36.61 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.04

  7. Zkouška č.2 SA2, Jana Skwirutová: 7/17, with 37.92 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.85

  8. Ostrava - O nejlepšího Zónovkáře, 2010-04-24 - 2010-04-25

  9. 1. Jumping SA, Jana Skwirutová: 4/35, with 41.59 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.21

  10. 1. Open SA, Jana Skwirutová: 16/35, with 54.48 s, 9.48 pt, and a speed of 3.21

  11. 2. Jumping SA, Jana Skwirutová: 13/35, with 38.93 s, 2.93 pt, and a speed of 3.42

  12. 2. Open SA, Jana Skwirutová: 11/35, with 55.76 s, 12.76 pt, and a speed of 3.44

  13. 3. Open SA, Jana Skwirutová: 4/35, with 43.07 s, 0.07 pt, and a speed of 3.71

  14. 4. Open SA, Jana Skwirutová: 5/35, with 50.21 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.58