Lucie Zýková

  1. Number: 007956
  2. Ka member: Yes
  3. Club digest: No
  4. Member since: 2025-02-12
  5. Member until: 2025-12-31
  6. Sex: female


  1. 024422 (I), Jessie

  2. 061123 (L), Cenzynia Satis Sumnium

  3. 030524, Heavenly Eneffi Sonic Workaholic



  1. Čerčany - Stars Shining At Tachyon, 2025-02-28 - 2025-03-02

  2. Agility Q II / L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 14/52, with 44.2 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.98

  3. Agility QI / L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  4. Jumping QIII / L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  5. Jumping QII / L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  6. Jumping QI / L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 20/49, with 39.92 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.51

  7. Čerčany - F.R.I.E.N.D.S. at Tachyon - Finnish Edition, 2024-10-26 - 2024-10-27

  8. Agility Open L - Sobota - Sponsored by, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 8/35, with 41.18 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.1

  9. Finále - Finnish Edition L - Powered by MARP & MIJA Therapy, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  10. Jumping Open L - Neděle - Sponsored by Sweet Energy, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  11. Jumping Open L - Sobota - Powered by Mixáno, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  12. Zkouška LA2 - Neděle, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 4/10, with 35.53 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.04

  13. Zkouška LA2 - Sobota, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 3/12, with 42.69 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.59

  14. České Budějovice - Dvojzkoušky + J0, 2024-10-13

  15. A2 1. zkouška L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/3, with 40.17 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.61

  16. A2 2. zkouška L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 2/3, with 40.11 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.61

  17. Červené Pečky - Mistrovství České republiky mládeže 2024, 2024-09-14 - 2024-09-15

  18. Agility družstev I, Jessie: 7/30, with 53.68 s, 9.68 pt, and a speed of 3.84

  19. Agility družstev L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 16/45, with 41.06 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.02

  20. Agility junioři I, Jessie: 8/21, with 56.83 s, 11.83 pt, and a speed of 3.87

  21. Agility junioři L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  22. Jumping junioři I, Jessie: 11/21, with 44.06 s, 1.06 pt, and a speed of 4.27

  23. Jumping junioři L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 6/36, with 33.73 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.57

  24. Zátaví u Písku - NAGIT CUP VI. + A0 a veteráni, 2024-07-27 - 2024-07-28

  25. 1. Zkouška LA2, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/3, with 46.12 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  26. 2. Zkouška LA2, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/3, with 45.92 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.7

  27. 3. ZKOUŠKA I3, Jessie: Disqualified

  28. 3. ZKOUŠKA LA2, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  29. 4. zkouška IA3, Jessie: 2/5, with 55.51 s, 2.51 pt, and a speed of 3.86

  30. 4. Zkouška LA2, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/2, with 44.88 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.21

  31. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2024-06-29

  32. 1. Zkouška LA2, Heavenly Eneffi Sonic Workaholic: Disqualified

  33. 1. Zkouška MLA2, Jessie: 2/2, with 49.88 s, 5.88 pt, and a speed of 3.67

  34. 2. Zkouška LA2, Heavenly Eneffi Sonic Workaholic: Disqualified

  35. 2. Zkouška MLA2, Jessie: 1/2, with 48.33 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  36. Čerčany - Pytloun & Juta CUP, 2024-06-14 - 2024-06-15

  37. FINÁLE - JUMPING L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  38. I. AGILITY L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 9/21, with 39.47 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.27

  39. II. JUMPING L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  40. I. JUMPING L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  41. Zkouška A2 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 2/6, with 37.1 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.77

  42. Čerčany - Zkoušková neděle (3xA1 + 2xA2 + 2xA3), 2024-05-26

  43. 1. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 2/12, with 30.22 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.03

  44. 2. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 2/11, with 34.8 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.0

  45. 3. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  46. Praha 14, Dolní Počernice - Dolnopočernické dvojzkoušky, 2024-05-08

  47. LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  48. LA1 II, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 9/18, with 32.68 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.53

  49. MLA2, Jessie: 1/1, with 39.69 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  50. MLA2 II, Jessie: Disqualified

  51. České Budějovice - Dvojzkoušky + J0, 2024-04-28

  52. A1 II. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/7, with 32.38 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.85

  53. A1 I. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/7, with 36.17 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  54. A2 II. ML, Jessie: Disqualified

  55. A2 I. ML, Jessie: 1/5, with 41.1 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.21

  56. Praha - 2. Kvalifikační závod na Junior Open Agility World Championship 2024, 2024-04-13 - 2024-04-14

  57. Agility IV L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 16/26, with 53.28 s, 27.28 pt, and a speed of 3.73

  58. Agility V L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 17/24, with 42.06 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.64

  59. Jumping IV L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  60. Jumping V L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 6/25, with 37.53 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.98

  61. Čerčany - 1. Kvalifikační závod na Junior Open Agility World Championship 2024, 2024-03-23 - 2024-03-24

  62. Agility III. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 8/32, with 45.84 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.45

  63. Agility II. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  64. Agility I. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 8/32, with 44.7 s, 12.7 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  65. Jumping III. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  66. Jumping II. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 6/33, with 33.67 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.17

  67. Jumping I. L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  68. Čerčany - Mistr krátkých tratí" - 4.ročník, 2024-03-09

  69. Agility 1 - Intermediate, Jessie: 7/23, with 29.6 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.09

  70. Agility 2 - Intermediate, Jessie: 12/23, with 33.94 s, 6.94 pt, and a speed of 3.65

  71. Jumping 1 - Intermediate, Jessie: 11/23, with 26.39 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.24

  72. Jumping 2 - Intermediate, Jessie: 9/22, with 25.44 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  73. Kladno - Zimní zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2024-02-25

  74. 1. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 1/12, with 28.72 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.22

  75. 2. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 4/12, with 35.18 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.72

  76. Kladno - Zimní openy trochu jinak, 2024-02-24

  77. Agility L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  78. Jumping L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  79. Krátký jumping L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 21/37, with 25.92 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.48

  80. Kladno - Dvojzkoušky Úžasné Agiplochy (neděle), 2024-02-11

  81. 1. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 4/11, with 33.53 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  82. 2. Zkouška LA1, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 4/11, with 36.62 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.23

  83. Buštěhrad - Pohodové dvojzkoušky, 2024-02-09

  84. Druhá zkouška, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  85. První zkouška, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 2/13, with 34.73 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.94

  86. Čerčany - Pure Pleasure At Tachyon, 2023-12-02 - 2023-12-03

  87. Agility 1 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  88. Agility 2 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  89. Finals L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 10/20, with 49.38 s, 19.38 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  90. Jumping 1 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 15/33, with 38.23 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.87

  91. Jumping 2 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 4/31, with 40.18 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.95

  92. Jumping 3 L, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  93. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 1 "Czech Imp" - 11.ročník, 2023-11-18

  94. Czech Imp Jump Large, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  95. Jumping 1 - Large, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: Disqualified

  96. Jumping 2 - Large, Cenzynia Satis Sumnium: 11/50, with 37.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.25

  97. Čerčany - Fofr zkoušky 17, 2023-09-16

  98. 1.zkouška MLA2, Jessie: 5/7, with 50.85 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.97

  99. 2.zkouška MLA2, Jessie: Disqualified

  100. Čerčany - Mistrovství České republiky mládeže, 2023-09-02 - 2023-09-03

  101. Agility Družstev I, Jessie: 8/22, with 50.33 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  102. Agility Jednotlivci Junioři I, Jessie: 8/16, with 57.16 s, 15.16 pt, and a speed of 3.74

  103. Jumping Družstev I, Jessie: Disqualified

  104. Jumping Jednotlivci Junioři I, Jessie: 2/17, with 42.05 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.66

  105. České Budějovice - Dvojzkoušky a jumping 2023 vol. 2, 2023-08-27

  106. A2 1. zkouška ML, Jessie: 1/4, with 43.43 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.33

  107. A2 2. zkouška ML, Jessie: 3/4, with 42.71 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.17

  108. Kladno - Jelení trojzkoušky (neděle), 2023-08-06

  109. 1. Zkouška MLA2, Jessie: Disqualified

  110. 2. Zkouška MLA2, Jessie: 2/4, with 44.8 s, 0.8 pt, and a speed of 3.68

  111. 3. Zkouška MLA2, Jessie: Disqualified

  112. Zátaví u Písku - NAGIT CUP V. + A0 a veteráni, 2023-07-29 - 2023-07-30

  113. Dišův Fast and Furious ML, Jessie: 3/10, with 24.13 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.77

  114. 3. zkouška MLA2, Jessie: 1/4, with 51.63 s, 4.63 pt, and a speed of 3.47

  115. 4. zkouška MLA2, Jessie: Disqualified

  116. České Budějovice - Dvojzkoušky a jumping 2023 vol. 1, 2023-05-13

  117. 1. A1 zkouška ML, Jessie: 3/4, with 44.75 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.78

  118. 2. A1 zkouška ML, Jessie: 2/4, with 43.35 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.85

  119. Dolní Počernice - Dolnopočernické dvojzkoušky, 2023-05-08

  120. IA1 I, Jessie: 1/3, with 47.59 s, 6.59 pt, and a speed of 3.38

  121. IA 1 II, Jessie: 1/3, with 48.44 s, 8.44 pt, and a speed of 3.24

  122. Kladno - Vánoční Pohádkové Trojzkoušky (úterý), 2022-12-27

  123. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 5/10, with 63.35 s, 18.35 pt, and a speed of 3.01

  124. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 4/10, with 53.35 s, 25.35 pt, and a speed of 3.17

  125. 3. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 6/10, with 49.97 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.44

  126. Zátaví u Písku - O Říďův pohár II., 2022-06-04 - 2022-06-05

  127. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 3/5, with 47.23 s, 23.23 pt, and a speed of 3.24

  128. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 1/5, with 40.62 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.87

  129. 3. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: Disqualified

  130. 4. Zkouška MLA1, Jessie: 2/4, with 43.57 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.72