Alexandra Tamchynová

  1. Number: 003179
  2. Osa: BADAFA
  3. Ka member: No
  4. Club digest: Yes
  5. Member since: 2013-09-13
  6. Member until: 2013-12-31
  7. Sex: female


  1. 023111 (L), Arg-Bigga Levaki

  2. 087312 (L), Bodin Levaki



  1. Nučice u Rudné - "Zimní pohár" 2, 2013-12-08

  2. JUMPING 1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  3. JUMPING 2, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  4. LA2, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  5. Nučice u Rudné - "Zimní pohár" 1, 2013-11-02

  6. FINÁLE LARGE, Bodin Levaki: 10/12, with 25.21 s, 0.21 pt, and a speed of 3.49

  7. JUMPING 1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  8. JUMPING 2, Bodin Levaki: 10/39, with 34.66 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.69

  9. LA2, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  10. Praha - Podzimní Hloubětínské dvojzkoušky, 2013-10-28

  11. LA1 - 1 LA1, Bodin Levaki: 6/23, with 59.0 s, 12.0 pt, and a speed of 2.9

  12. LA1 - 2 LA1, Bodin Levaki: 7/23, with 30.36 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.99

  13. Praha 4 - Kateřinky - 1. TROJZKOUŠKY U AGIHOLEK, 2013-10-26

  14. LA1, Bodin Levaki: 2/14, with 42.73 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.53

  15. LA1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  16. LA1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  17. Praha - Horní Počernice - Dvouzkoušky agility pro kategorie A1, A2, A3, 2013-06-29

  18. 1.běh LA1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  19. 2.běh LA1, Bodin Levaki: 10/22, with 48.87 s, 8.87 pt, and a speed of 2.72

  20. Praha - Jarní Hloubětínské dvojzkoušky II., 2013-04-14

  21. LA1 - II LA1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  22. LA1 - I LA1, Bodin Levaki: 17/28, with 62.88 s, 22.88 pt, and a speed of 2.39

  23. Praha - Jarní Hloubětínské dvojzkoušky I., 2013-04-13

  24. LA1 - II LA1, Bodin Levaki: 19/37, with 48.13 s, 17.13 pt, and a speed of 2.85

  25. LA1 - I LA1, Bodin Levaki: 19/37, with 63.75 s, 13.75 pt, and a speed of 2.62

  26. Svojetice - 25. Dvojzkoušky, 2013-02-16

  27. 25. dvojzkoušky, Svojetice, běh 1, Bodin Levaki: Disqualified

  28. 25. dvojzkoušky, Svojetice, běh 2, Bodin Levaki: 2/28, with 33.04 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.9

  29. Praha Klánovice - BADAFA, 2012-06-30

  30. LA1-1.běh LA1, Arg-Bigga Levaki: 12/17, with 55.76 s, 25.76 pt, and a speed of 2.55

  31. LA1-2.běh LA1, Arg-Bigga Levaki: Disqualified