1. Confirmed?: Yes


  1. Michaela Míčová



  1. Geraldt Blue Dabbeeco, Border Collie



  1. Studenec u Trutnova - OPSION 090, 2024-02-03

  2. 1.zkouška: Disqualified

  3. 2.zkouška: 2/12, with 41.51 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.14

  4. 3.zkouška: Disqualified

  5. Ratenice - 2x zkoušky, 2024-01-26

  6. 1. zkouška A2 L: 2/4, with 44.2 s, 13.2 pt, and a speed of 3.78

  7. 2. zkouška A2 L: 2/4, with 49.15 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 3.95

  8. Sezemice - "HOP SEM - HOP TAM" 20.ročník a Speciál BŠO v agility 16.ročník, 2023-09-30

  9. Agility L: 5/22, with 39.9 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.39

  10. Jumping L: 6/22, with 36.34 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  11. Zkouška L A2: 3/12, with 39.76 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.07

  12. Hrádek u Pardubic - 5. Zkoušky, 2023-09-02

  13. Zkouška LA1 I.: 3/17, with 41.13 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.74

  14. Zkouška LA1 II.: 2/17, with 35.51 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.34

  15. Srch - Hradek - Brit Jump Cup, 2023-07-22

  16. Jump III. LA1: 3/23, with 29.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.39

  17. Jump II. LA1: 3/23, with 31.92 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.33

  18. Jump I. LA1: 1/23, with 30.06 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.46

  19. Studenec u Trutnova - Odpolední dvojzkoušky, 2023-06-30

  20. II. zkouška LA1: 2/14, with 37.48 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.59

  21. I. zkouška LA1: 4/14, with 36.73 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.36

  22. Mladá Boleslav - 2. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2023-06-17 - 2023-06-18

  23. Agility 1 L: Disqualified

  24. Agility 2 L: 41/109, with 49.49 s, 5.49 pt, and a speed of 3.92

  25. Jumping 1 L: 29/114, with 41.48 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.48

  26. Jumping 2 L: 47/108, with 39.45 s, 12.45 pt, and a speed of 4.18

  27. Trutnov - Mistrovství České republiky border kolií 2023, 2023-06-09 - 2023-06-11

  28. Mistrovství jednotlivců OPEN Finále L: Disqualified

  29. Mistrovství jednotlivců OPEN L: 10/51, with 31.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.21

  30. Power & Speed OPEN L: 6/50, with 20.76 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.01

  31. Speciální závod - 1.kolo OPEN + MASTERS L: 57/112, with 36.76 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.79

  32. Speciální závod - 2.kolo OPEN + MASTERS L: 35/106, with 47.34 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.6

  33. Tachyon Trophy OPEN L: 25/50, with 30.88 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  34. Závod družstev OPEN + MASTERS L: 54/109, with 61.06 s, 23.06 pt, and a speed of 3.6