Gabriela Vlková

  1. Number: 007942
  2. Ka member: No
  3. Member since: 1970-01-01
  4. Member until: 1970-01-01
  5. Sex: female


  1. 020522 (M), Alex Ima Bohemia

  2. 042422 (S), Arya Wishes Doll

  3. 094923 (S), Destiny Freya Zahrada snů



  1. Buštěhrad - Pohodové dvojzkousky + nulky, 2024-11-03

  2. Druhá zkouška, Arya Wishes Doll: 2/4, with 41.34 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.77

  3. První zkouška, Arya Wishes Doll: Disqualified

  4. Praha Uhříněves - Aktijácké mini dvojzkoušky II/24, 2024-10-19

  5. A1 II. Zkouška SA, Arya Wishes Doll: 4/4, with 58.66 s, 31.66 pt, and a speed of 3.07

  6. A1 I. Zkouška SA, Arya Wishes Doll: 4/4, with 45.81 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.89

  7. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2024-09-21

  8. 1. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/3, with 18.77 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.59

  9. 1. běh Jumping 0 S, Destiny Freya Zahrada snů: 3/3, with 41.34 s, 16.34 pt, and a speed of 2.54

  10. 2. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/3, with 19.41 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.41

  11. 2. běh Jumping 0 S, Destiny Freya Zahrada snů: 3/3, with 42.95 s, 17.95 pt, and a speed of 2.44

  12. Kladno - Zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2024-08-31

  13. 1. SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 2/4, with 32.93 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.16

  14. 2. SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/4, with 27.15 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.97

  15. Kladno - Nedělní jarní zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2024-04-28

  16. 1. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/5, with 24.25 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.87

  17. 1. Jumping SA0, Destiny Freya Zahrada snů: 4/5, with 37.27 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.17

  18. 2. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/5, with 23.88 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.44

  19. 2. Jumping SA0, Destiny Freya Zahrada snů: Disqualified

  20. Kladno - Sobotní jarní zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2024-04-27

  21. 1. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 3/3, with 35.25 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.69

  22. 2. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/3, with 29.2 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38

  23. Kladno - Sváteční zkoušky + A0, 2023-10-28

  24. 1. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/9, with 20.61 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.09

  25. 2. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 6/9, with 26.18 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.24

  26. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2023-10-21

  27. 1. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: Disqualified

  28. 2. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: 2/7, with 29.48 s, 5.48 pt, and a speed of 4.78

  29. Kladno - Agility Collie & Sheltie Cup 2023, 2023-10-14

  30. Hra - Hvězdy budoucnosti S, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/1, with 28.26 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.81

  31. Nymburk - Dvojzkoušky podzimní rovnodennosti + A0, 2023-09-24

  32. 1. jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: Disqualified

  33. 2. jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 2/3, with 23.15 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.84

  34. Kladno - Zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2023-03-25

  35. 1. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: Disqualified

  36. 2. Jumping SA0, Arya Wishes Doll: 2/8, with 22.33 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.06

  37. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2022-10-29

  38. 1. běh Jumping 0 M, Alex Ima Bohemia: Disqualified

  39. 1. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: 4/5, with 35.34 s, 10.34 pt, and a speed of 3.54

  40. 2. běh Jumping 0 M, Alex Ima Bohemia: Disqualified

  41. 2. běh Jumping 0 S, Arya Wishes Doll: 1/5, with 26.42 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  42. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2022-04-09

  43. 1. běh Jumping 0 M, Alex Ima Bohemia: Disqualified

  44. 2. běh Jumping 0 M, Alex Ima Bohemia: Disqualified