Vojtěch Vrubel

  1. Number: 006274
  2. Ka member: No
  3. Member since: 1970-01-01
  4. Member until: 1970-01-01
  5. Sex: male


  1. 007018 (L), jungle in the fire jeffija



  1. Vysoké Mýto - SÁROVECKÝ FIN CUP, 2020-09-12

  2. Agility, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  3. Jumping , jungle in the fire jeffija: 8/18, with 32.89 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.74

  4. Zkoušky, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  5. Ratenice - Květnové dvojzkoušky, 2020-05-31

  6. ZkA. LA2 I., jungle in the fire jeffija: 7/14, with 49.84 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.71

  7. ZkA. LA2 II., jungle in the fire jeffija: 5/14, with 53.43 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 3.84

  8. Ratenice - podzimní dvojzkoušky, 2019-11-16

  9. ZkA. LA1 I., jungle in the fire jeffija: 1/8, with 39.75 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.03

  10. ZkA. LA1 II., jungle in the fire jeffija: 3/8, with 45.95 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.48

  11. Ratenice - Ratenické dvojzkoušky, 2019-10-20

  12. ZkA. LA1 I., jungle in the fire jeffija: 3/6, with 33.16 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.49

  13. ZkA. LA1 II., jungle in the fire jeffija: 3/6, with 35.69 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.31

  14. Lysá nad Labem - Back to Classic vol. 1 + MR Bearded Collií 2019, 2019-09-22

  15. Agility L, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  16. Jumping L, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  17. Zkouška LA1, jungle in the fire jeffija: 1/7, with 34.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.35

  18. Česká Třebová - JUNIOR OPEN 2019, 2019-05-25

  19. Agility Open mládež L, jungle in the fire jeffija: 5/7, with 36.87 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.23

  20. Jumping Open mládež L, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  21. Pardubice - Májové dvojzkoušky, 2019-05-11

  22. Zkouška 1 LA1, jungle in the fire jeffija: 2/12, with 37.69 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.17

  23. Zkouška 2 LA1, jungle in the fire jeffija: 5/12, with 35.25 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.2

  24. Česká Třebová - JUNIOR OPEN 2018, 2018-06-02

  25. JOPKO Agility mládež L L, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  26. JOPKO Jumping mládež L L, jungle in the fire jeffija: Disqualified

  27. Pardubice - Svítkov - Májové dvojzkoušky, 2018-05-26

  28. 1. zkouška LA1, jungle in the fire jeffija: 6/19, with 44.08 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.04

  29. 2. zkouška LA1, jungle in the fire jeffija: 12/19, with 42.54 s, 20.0 pt, and a speed of 3.08