Divine Love from sunny hillside

  1. Breed: Australian Shepherd
  2. Nickname: Brita
  3. Birth date: 2019-01-13
  4. Sex: female
  5. Height: 51.0
  6. Size: L


  1. 042621 (L), Lucie Hendrychova

  2. 082822 (L), Ivo Šimon



2023-03-18 1st measurement 51.0 cm L
2000-01-01 1st measurement 49.5 cm I


  1. Mladé Buky - Krkonošské trojzkoušky pro A1, A2 a A3, 2023-03-18

  2. 1. zkouška, Ivo Šimon: Disqualified

  3. 2. zkouška, Ivo Šimon: 4/12, with 36.34 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 4.07

  4. 3. zkouška, Ivo Šimon: Disqualified

  5. Ratenice - Lednové Ratenické dvojzkoušky, 2022-01-23

  6. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: 3/8, with 47.98 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.13

  7. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: Disqualified

  8. Ratenice - Prosincové CANVIŤácké dvojzkoušky, 2021-12-18

  9. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: Disqualified

  10. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: Disqualified

  11. Čerčany - Zimní pohár 1 "Czech Imp" - 9.ročník, 2021-11-06

  12. Czech Imp Jump MiniLarge, Lucie Hendrychova: 11/19, with 24.77 s, 2.77 pt, and a speed of 4.6

  13. Jumping 1 - MiniLarge, Lucie Hendrychova: 11/19, with 47.79 s, 12.79 pt, and a speed of 4.52

  14. Jumping 2 - MiniLarge, Lucie Hendrychova: 8/19, with 46.52 s, 9.52 pt, and a speed of 4.32

  15. Hrádek u Pardubic - Zkoušky, 2021-10-16

  16. Zkouška II. MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: 2/8, with 37.48 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.78

  17. Zkouška I. MLA1, Lucie Hendrychova: 5/8, with 47.55 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.34

  18. Mohelnice - Mistrovství republiky v agility mládeže, 2021-09-04 - 2021-09-05

  19. Agility Individual - D, Lucie Hendrychova: Disqualified

  20. Agility Squads as Individual, Lucie Hendrychova: Disqualified

  21. Jumping Individual - D, Lucie Hendrychova: 6/8, with 46.73 s, 30.0 pt, and a speed of 3.87

  22. Jumping Squads as Individual, Lucie Hendrychova: 8/41, with 46.54 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.21