Rachel Garden Roses, Chinese Crested Dog
SA2: Disqualified
SA2 I: 1/1, with 63.44 s, 13.44 pt, and a speed of 2.98
SA2 II: 1/1, with 56.0 s, 8.0 pt, and a speed of 3.2
Agility LVT S: Disqualified
Jumping S: Disqualified
ZKOUŠKA SA2: Disqualified
Agility open S: Disqualified
Jumping open S: 6/9, with 47.16 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.6
Zk SA2 I.: Disqualified
Zk SA2 II.: Disqualified
SA2: Disqualified
SA2-2: 4/12, with 51.19 s, 8.19 pt, and a speed of 3.09
Zkouška II. SA2: Disqualified
Zkouška I. SA2: Disqualified
1. běh SA2: 3/5, with 57.22 s, 24.22 pt, and a speed of 3.11
2. běh SA2: Disqualified
AGILITY: Disqualified
JUMPING: Disqualified
SA2: Disqualified
Heroutice, 1. běh: Disqualified
Jumping SA2: Disqualified
Zkouška první SA2: Disqualified
Zkouška VIP SA2: 5/11, with 51.8 s, 8.8 pt, and a speed of 3.28
1.běh SA2: Disqualified
2.běh SA2: 1/14, with 49.31 s, 2.31 pt, and a speed of 3.63
III. zkouška SA2: Disqualified
II. zkouška SA2: Disqualified
IV. zkouška SA2: Disqualified
I. zkouška SA2: 2/3, with 37.51 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.4
Zkouska IV SA2: Disqualified
Zkouska VI SA2: Disqualified
Zkouska V SA2: 2/7, with 48.13 s, 3.13 pt, and a speed of 3.49
Zkouska SA2 1: Disqualified
Zkouska SA2 2: 15/23, with 63.57 s, 12.57 pt, and a speed of 2.99
Zkouska SA2 3: 15/21, with 41.58 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 3.85
Zkouska SA2 4: 10/21, with 50.61 s, 5.61 pt, and a speed of 3.56
Májová cena, Horní Počernice, Agility: Disqualified
Májová cena, Horní Počernice, zkouky: Disqualified
Jarní cena, Velká Chuchle, Agility: 9/29, with 58.64 s, 5.64 pt, and a speed of 3.15
Jarní cena, Velká Chuchle, Jumping: Disqualified
Jarní cena, Velká Chuchle, zkouky: 6/8, with 55.71 s, 22.71 pt, and a speed of 2.89
Horní Počernice, 1. běh: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 2. běh: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 3. běh: Disqualified
SA2 II SA2: Disqualified
SA2 I SA2: 9/19, with 61.23 s, 12.23 pt, and a speed of 2.68
Heroutice, 1. běh: Disqualified
Heroutice, 2. běh: Disqualified
Heroutice, 3. běh: Disqualified
SA1 I : Disqualified
SA1 II : Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 1. běh: 2/17, with 42.1 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.2
Horní Počernice, 2. běh: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 1. běh: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 2. běh: 10/18, with 54.22 s, 5.22 pt, and a speed of 2.97
Horní Počernice, 3. běh: Disqualified
Zkouška A1 III. SA1: 1/11, with 31.78 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.09
Zkouška A1 II. SA1: Disqualified
Zkouška A1 I. SA1: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 1. běh: Disqualified
Horní Počernice, 2. běh: 2/22, with 35.47 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.06
Zkouška A1 II SA1: Disqualified
Zkouška A1 I SA1: Disqualified
Agility: 16/30, with 61.23 s, 24.23 pt, and a speed of 3.01
Jumping: Disqualified
ZkA: 2/6, with 37.1 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.8
SA1: 3/9, with 42.72 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.53
SA1: Disqualified
SA1: Disqualified
Agility S: Disqualified
Jumping S: Disqualified
Zkouška A1 SA1: Disqualified
1. zkouška SA1: Disqualified
2. zkouška SA1: Disqualified
3. zkouška SA1: 9/13, with 55.5 s, 27.5 pt, and a speed of 2.34
1. zkouška SA1: Disqualified
2. zkouška SA1: 3/18, with 31.74 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.38
Jarní cena, Chuchle, Agility: 6/10, with 55.48 s, 22.48 pt, and a speed of 2.47
Jarní cena, Chuchle, Agility: Disqualified
Jarní cena, Chuchle, Agility: Disqualified
SA1 - II SA1: Disqualified
SA1 - I SA1: Disqualified
26. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 1: Disqualified
26. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 2: Disqualified