1. Confirmed?: Yes


  1. Milan Jirásek, ForPes



  1. A3Ch Bellinda Mysterious Beauty, Shetland Sheepdog



  1. Sázava - Mistrovství České republiky v agility 2013, 2013-10-05 - 2013-10-06

  2. Agility: 1/9, with 37.08 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.42

  3. Jumping: 1/9, with 34.68 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  4. Děčín - Huntířov - O POHÁR MĚSTA DĚČÍNA, 2013-09-28

  5. Agility Veteráni SV: 1/4, with 26.56 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.01

  6. Jumping Veteráni SV: 1/4, with 26.05 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.95

  7. Česká Lípa - Buřt Cup 2013, 2013-09-14

  8. Agility Veteráni SV: 1/2, with 35.75 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  9. Jumping Veteráni SV: 1/2, with 34.84 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.76

  10. Oldřichov - ForPes Agility, 2013-07-20

  11. Agility Vet: 1/3, with 33.8 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  12. Jumping Vet.: 1/3, with 26.86 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.21

  13. Louny - Závody agility "Horké léto" a Mistrovství ČR v agility dlouhosrstých a krátkosrstých collií, 2013-06-29

  14. Agility - Vet: 1/2, with 40.86 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.63

  15. Jumping - Vet: 1/2, with 34.49 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.73

  16. Opatovice nad Labem - Mistrovství ČR sheltií - otevřený závod, 2013-05-18

  17. Agility: 1/1, with 32.48 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.62

  18. Jumping: 1/1, with 29.13 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  19. Ústí nad Labem - Dvoje zkoušky, 2011-02-13

  20. 1. zkouška SA2: 1/12, with 39.64 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.34

  21. 2. zkouška SA2: 1/12, with 40.0 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.45

  22. Ranch El Paso Svojetice - 15. Dvojzkoušky, 2011-02-12

  23. Svojetice dvojzkoušky běh 1: 4/8, with 37.44 s, 15.0 pt, and a speed of 4.17

  24. Svojetice dvojzkoušky běh 2: 1/8, with 37.06 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.4

  25. cvičiště ZKO Chlumec - Chlumecké dvojzkoušky, 2010-06-05

  26. SA1: 1/6, with 33.58 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.56

  27. SA1 - 2.: 1/6, with 32.27 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.46