1. Confirmed?: Yes


  1. Marie - Anna Kociánová, ZKO Kutná Hora



  1. Agility von Schnappi Schnapp, Shetland Sheepdog



  1. Terezín - DogFriends Cup 2024 (3/3), 2024-03-09 - 2024-03-10

  2. SA1 I: Disqualified

  3. SA1 II: 1/1, with 41.68 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.62

  4. SA1 III: 1/1, with 51.73 s, 11.73 pt, and a speed of 3.87

  5. SA1 IV: 1/1, with 43.33 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.95

  6. Terezín - Agility pro Ukrajinu IV., 2023-12-09 - 2023-12-10

  7. SA1 III: Disqualified

  8. SA1 IV: Disqualified

  9. S Jumping II A1 + A0: Disqualified

  10. Liberec - 1. Kvalifikační závod na Mistrovství České republiky, 2023-05-20 - 2023-05-21

  11. Agility 1 S: Disqualified

  12. Agility 2 S: 39/58, with 57.73 s, 15.73 pt, and a speed of 3.81

  13. Jumping 1 S: Disqualified

  14. Dolní Počernice - Dolnopočernické dvojzkoušky, 2023-05-08

  15. SA1 I: 1/4, with 40.15 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.01

  16. SA 1 II: 1/4, with 43.84 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.58