Marie Madejová

  1. Number: 008152
  2. Ka member: No
  3. Member since: 1970-01-01
  4. Member until: 1970-01-01
  5. Sex: female


  1. 059122, Sony

  2. 026724 (L), Dracula from Transilvania



  1. Kaňovice - Apríl v Kaňkách 6 - dvojzkoušky + A0, 2024-04-28

  2. 1. Jumping LA0, Dracula from Transilvania: 1/4, with 30.06 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.39

  3. 2. Jumping LA0, Dracula from Transilvania: 1/4, with 26.46 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.84

  4. Kaňovice - Apríl v Kaňkách 5 - dvojzkoušky + A0, 2024-04-27

  5. 1. Jumping LA0, Dracula from Transilvania: Disqualified

  6. 2. Jumping LA0, Dracula from Transilvania: 1/7, with 27.53 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.43