Karel Křížek

  1. Number: 004219
  2. Ka member: No
  3. Club digest: Yes
  4. Member since: 2013-08-19
  5. Member until: 2013-12-31
  6. Sex: male


  1. 053513 (XS), Dexi



  1. Kácov - Kácovský „Tuplák 2“ - 3 x zkouška, 2013-09-07

  2. Zkouška 1 SA1, Dexi: 2/4, with 39.37 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.25

  3. Zkouška 2 SA1, Dexi: Disqualified

  4. Zkouška 3 SA1, Dexi: 2/4, with 35.21 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.95