Monika Baslová

  1. Number: 002982
  2. Ka member: No
  3. Club digest: Yes
  4. Member since: 2012-03-15
  5. Member until: 2013-12-31
  6. Sex: female


  1. 054210 (L), Casidy Baronnella



  1. Svojetice - 25. Dvojzkoušky, 2013-02-16

  2. 25. dvojzkoušky, Svojetice, běh 1, Casidy Baronnella: 7/27, with 64.28 s, 30.28 pt, and a speed of 2.19

  3. 25. dvojzkoušky, Svojetice, běh 2, Casidy Baronnella: 14/27, with 64.59 s, 18.59 pt, and a speed of 2.35

  4. Svojetice - 21. Dvojzkoušky, 2012-03-17

  5. 21. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 1, Casidy Baronnella: Disqualified

  6. 21. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 2, Casidy Baronnella: 14/35, with 64.82 s, 29.82 pt, and a speed of 2.28

  7. Svojetice - 18. halové Dvojzkoušky, 2011-10-15

  8. 18. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 1, Casidy Baronnella: Disqualified

  9. 18. dvojzkousky, Svojetice, beh 2, Casidy Baronnella: Disqualified

  10. Praha - Horní Počernice - 1. Cena Pet Center, 2011-09-03

  11. Cena Pet Center, Casidy Baronnella: 28/55, with 75.78 s, 40.78 pt, and a speed of 2.08

  12. Cena Pet Center, Casidy Baronnella: 29/55, with 68.25 s, 32.25 pt, and a speed of 2.43

  13. Ranch El Paso Svojetice - 15. Dvojzkoušky, 2011-02-12

  14. Svojetice dvojzkoušky běh 1, Casidy Baronnella: 5/22, with 43.13 s, 2.13 pt, and a speed of 2.97

  15. Svojetice dvojzkoušky běh 2, Casidy Baronnella: 3/22, with 46.91 s, 1.91 pt, and a speed of 2.88