
  1. Breed: Mixed-breed
  2. Birth date: 2015-04-16
  3. Sex: female
  4. Height: 40.0
  5. Size: M


  1. 016817 (M), Karolína Theuerová



2000-01-01 1st measurement 40.0 cm M


  1. Kladno - Zkoušky NKÚ V., 2018-12-14

  2. 1. zkouška MA1, Karolína Theuerová: 2/4, with 39.94 s, 6.94 pt, and a speed of 3.28

  3. 2. zkouška MA1, Karolína Theuerová: 2/4, with 44.64 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.99

  4. Kladno - Zkoušky NKÚ I., 2018-07-20

  5. MA1 - 1. MA1, Karolína Theuerová: 2/6, with 37.81 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.86

  6. MA1 - 2. MA1, Karolína Theuerová: 3/5, with 41.65 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 3.48