
  1. Breed: Mixed-breed
  2. Birth date: 2010-01-01
  3. Sex: male
  4. Height: 27.0
  5. Size: XS


  1. 062515 (XS), Kristýna Galbavá



2000-01-01 1st measurement 27.0 cm XS


  1. Česká Třebová - JUNIOR OPEN 2016, 2016-05-28

  2. Agility junioři S, Kristýna Galbavá: 6/7, with 46.78 s, 6.78 pt, and a speed of 3.21

  3. Jumping junioři S, Kristýna Galbavá: 6/7, with 41.37 s, 11.37 pt, and a speed of 2.97

  4. Proruby u Hořiček - OPSION 042 / dvojzkoušky, 2015-12-05

  5. 1.prorubská, Kristýna Galbavá: 1/5, with 63.93 s, 10.93 pt, and a speed of 3.05

  6. 2.prorubská, Kristýna Galbavá: 1/5, with 57.34 s, 15.34 pt, and a speed of 2.95