
  1. Breed: Bichon á poil Frisé
  2. Birth date: 2010-07-28
  3. Sex: female
  4. Height: 26.0
  5. Size: XS


  1. 040813 (XS), Veronika Bystroňová



2000-01-01 1st measurement 26.0 cm XS


  1. Zlín - Dvojzkoušky agility, 2014-06-15

  2. 1. SA1, Veronika Bystroňová: 2/11, with 47.5 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.09

  3. 2. SA1, Veronika Bystroňová: 7/11, with 54.93 s, 14.93 pt, and a speed of 2.37

  4. Ludslavice (u Zlína) - JK Brand Cup - O Zlínský ranec + 7. MR ACD, 2014-06-14

  5. Agility Open S, Veronika Bystroňová: 12/23, with 66.38 s, 21.38 pt, and a speed of 2.91

  6. Jump Open S, Veronika Bystroňová: 11/23, with 55.06 s, 13.06 pt, and a speed of 3.07

  7. Zkouška SA1, Veronika Bystroňová: 1/12, with 46.31 s, 6.31 pt, and a speed of 2.92

  8. Zlechov - VII. Zlechovské hopsání, 2013-09-21

  9. Agility S, Veronika Bystroňová: Disqualified

  10. Jumping S, Veronika Bystroňová: 12/28, with 41.75 s, 0.75 pt, and a speed of 3.47

  11. Zkouška SA1, Veronika Bystroňová: Disqualified

  12. Olomouc - Agility 1 aneb se začátečníky to myslíme vážně, 2013-08-31

  13. 1. agility 1, Veronika Bystroňová: Disqualified

  14. 2. agility 1, Veronika Bystroňová: 4/12, with 66.06 s, 16.06 pt, and a speed of 2.53