043408 (XS), Pavel Dunda
2000-01-01 | 1st measurement | 23.0 cm | XS |
AGILITY-S, Pavel Dunda: Disqualified
JUMPING-S, Pavel Dunda: 14/27, with 42.87 s, 5.87 pt, and a speed of 3.08
SA1, Pavel Dunda: Disqualified
AGILITY, Pavel Dunda: 8/16, with 54.18 s, 11.18 pt, and a speed of 3.06
JUMPING, Pavel Dunda: 11/15, with 72.36 s, 38.36 pt, and a speed of 2.1
SA1, Pavel Dunda: 1/6, with 50.89 s, 0.89 pt, and a speed of 2.95