Caramel Cowboy ze Shetlandů

  1. Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
  2. Birth date: 2001-02-15
  3. Sex: male
  4. Height: 36.0
  5. Size: M


  1. 003107 (M), Eliška Richterová



2000-01-01 1st measurement 36.0 cm M


  1. Malé Svatoňovice - KRAKATIT 006, 2008-03-08 - 2008-03-09

  2. AGILITY-M, Eliška Richterová: 10/24, with 63.28 s, 20.28 pt, and a speed of 2.59

  3. AGILITY-M, Eliška Richterová: 13/24, with 73.48 s, 34.48 pt, and a speed of 2.15

  4. JUMPING-M, Eliška Richterová: 12/23, with 51.89 s, 12.89 pt, and a speed of 2.81

  5. JUMPING-M, Eliška Richterová: 20/26, with 64.02 s, 32.02 pt, and a speed of 2.42

  6. MA1, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  7. MA1, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  8. Malé Svatoňovice - KRAKATIT 005, 2008-01-26 - 2008-01-27

  9. AGILITY-M, Eliška Richterová: 12/21, with 48.56 s, 12.56 pt, and a speed of 3.17

  10. AGILITY-M, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  11. JUMPING-M, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  12. JUMPING-M, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  13. MA1, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified

  14. MA1, Eliška Richterová: Disqualified