Beauty Windy Garden

  1. Breed: Bouledogue Francais
  2. Nickname: Boogie
  3. Birth date: 2022-07-11
  4. Sex: female
  5. Identification: 203098100579531
  6. Height: 32.0
  7. Size: S


  1. 049024 (S), Veronika Doležalová



2024-05-25 1st measurement 32.0 cm S


  1. Praha - Hostivař - Dvojzkoušky Toulcův Dvůr + J0, 2024-05-25

  2. 1. běh Jumping 0 S, Veronika Doležalová: 3/3, with 27.81 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.67

  3. 2. běh Jumping 0 S, Veronika Doležalová: 2/3, with 25.22 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  4. 2. Zkouška SA1, Veronika Doležalová: Disqualified