Anaya Sarrasam

  1. Breed: Berger Blanc Suisse
  2. Nickname: Sofie
  3. Birth date: 2023-01-04
  4. Sex: female
  5. Identification: 203098100585771
  6. Height: 57.0
  7. Size: L


  1. 048824 (L), Pavla Veselá



2024-07-26 1st measurement 57.0 cm L


  1. Kladno - Agility zkoušky při pátku 2x A1, 3x A2 + 2x A0, 2024-07-26

  2. J0 II. L, Pavla Veselá: 3/7, with 37.34 s, 14.84 pt, and a speed of 3.29

  3. J0 I. L, Pavla Veselá: 2/7, with 19.42 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.41