Harley Sweet Secret

  1. Breed: Papillon - Epagneul Nain Continental
  2. Nickname: Heidy
  3. Birth date: 2022-02-06
  4. Sex: female
  5. Height: 27.0
  6. Size: XS


  1. 035224 (XS), Lucie Klímková



2024-05-12 1st measurement 27.0 cm XS


  1. Hulín - Trojzkoušky + 2x jumping A0, 2024-05-12

  2. 1. Jumping A0, Lucie Klímková: 2/3, with 12.62 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.55

  3. 2. Jumping A0, Lucie Klímková: 1/3, with 16.07 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.91