Quendi ze Starého dvora

  1. Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  2. Nickname: Vendy
  3. Birth date: 2022-05-21
  4. Sex: female
  5. Identification: 900203000020332
  6. Height: 29.5
  7. Size: XS


  1. 085423 (XS), Eva Tyle



2024-06-15 1st measurement 29.5 cm XS
2024-03-09 1st measurement 29.5 cm XS


  1. Kladno - Zkoušky trochu jinak + A0, 2024-08-31

  2. 1. XSA0, Eva Tyle: Disqualified

  3. 2. XSA0, Eva Tyle: Disqualified

  4. Louny - Hurá na prázdniny + A0, 2024-06-15

  5. 1. Běh A0 XS, Eva Tyle: 7/9, with 40.86 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 2.89

  6. 2. Běh A0 XS, Eva Tyle: 2/9, with 26.24 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.12

  7. Čerčany - Fofr zkoušky 20, 2024-05-11

  8. 1.zkouška XSA0, Eva Tyle: 1/3, with 29.72 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.36

  9. 2.zkouška XSA0, Eva Tyle: 3/3, with 44.22 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 2.65

  10. Praha Uhříněves - Aktij speciál A1 a jump A0, 2024-03-09

  11. Jumping XS A0 I., Eva Tyle: 2/3, with 29.16 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 3.7

  12. Jumping XS A0 II., Eva Tyle: Disqualified