
  1. Breed: Mixed-breed
  2. Birth date: 2018-01-27
  3. Sex: female
  4. Height: 45.5
  5. Size: I


  1. 045622 (I), Nicoletta Rauerová



2022-12-03 2nd measurement 45.5 cm I
2022-12-02 1st measurement 46.0 cm I


  1. Terezín - DogFriends Cup 2023 (1/3), 2023-01-14

  2. Jumping 1 ML, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/6, with 32.27 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.21

  3. MLA1 I, Nicoletta Rauerová: 2/6, with 31.25 s, 10.0 pt, and a speed of 5.02

  4. MLA1 II, Nicoletta Rauerová: Disqualified

  5. Kladno - Lednový rozjezd + A0, 2023-01-08

  6. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/7, with 28.97 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.28

  7. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/7, with 27.51 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.49

  8. Terezín - Agility pro Ukrajinu II., 2022-12-03 - 2022-12-04

  9. Jumping 1 + 0 ML, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/4, with 24.58 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.33

  10. MLA1 III, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/3, with 28.33 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.91

  11. MLA1 IV, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/3, with 36.37 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 4.29

  12. Kladno - TGI Friday odpolední dvojzkoušky, 2022-12-02

  13. 1. Zkouška MLA1, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/3, with 30.05 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.66

  14. 2. Zkouška MLA1, Nicoletta Rauerová: 1/3, with 27.94 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.55