1. Confirmed?: Yes


  1. Monika Holínková, Run as one



  1. Challenger Ivelbero's Darling, Australian Shepherd



  1. Roštín - Chřiby rules a Mistrovství ČR PRT, JRT a BRT, 2024-06-08 - 2024-06-09

  2. Agility: Disqualified

  3. Jumping BASIC: 1/4, with 20.82 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 6.48

  4. Nedvězí - Olomoucký DOG RUN III. + A0, 2024-05-11

  5. Jumping I. A0 + A1 ML: Disqualified

  6. Jumping II. A0 + A1 ML: Disqualified

  7. Hranice - XI. Hranická Skočka, 2023-05-27

  8. Agility Trial: Disqualified

  9. Jumping Norníkovo bludiště: 4/7, with 50.65 s, 5.0 pt, and a speed of 5.35

  10. Jumping Žabákova cesta: Disqualified

  11. Mladeč- Nové Zámky - Odpolední zkoušky + A0, 2022-09-09

  12. 1. MLA0: 1/2, with 24.89 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 5.75

  13. 2. MLA0: 1/2, with 27.58 s, 0.0 pt, and a speed of 4.89